This NEEDS to STOP! - Genshin Anniversary Drama

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Please, let's not attack people who have nothing to do with the situation ...


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#Tenha #Genshin #GenshinImpact
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Thank you for your support, and I really appreciate it.


Attacking the VA's was really low


I agree and disagree with Tenha. Harrassing voice actors or employees and review bombing the game was not the correct way to go about this. However, let's look at the story objectively. Mihoyo censored every form of criticism, even legitemate discussions, about the game on all of the social media platforms. The review bombing was a result of players being silenced on every platform. The harrasment of the VAs, which is wrong, was done by a bunch of trolls and idiots that don't understand how game development works.
That being said, Both sides aren't innocent in this story. A very immature response from the community and willfull ignorance from mihoyo.
I myself don't care about rewards and hate the fact that this anniversary drama has distracted people from the real deeprooted problems of Genshin. Some examples are, little to no balance patches, despite being a 24/7 online RPG gaccha game and the lack of proper endgame activities. Why even bother building characters if we have nowhere to unleash them other than spiral abyss?


Unfortunately the mail rewards was a band-aid fix, the wing was suppose to be in the paid bundle or something. Either way people still shouldn't harass you or anyone else.


At the end of the day it's just a game, devs and voice actors just do as they are told "Its their JOB" attacking them is ludicrous.


Tenha the glider reward and Primos was shown by MiHoYo was suppose to be a 30$ bundle so it was 100% unintended to be given out as Anniversary but I agree VAs shouldn’t be attacked neither should content creators but the Review bombing is fairly justified as MiHoYo silencing people on forums and their Media’s how else were people going express their opinions.


i don't care about the rewards I already have everything I wanted, but seeing the company remove people's comments and ban them just asking where are our reward it's just disappointing .. this community gave mhy so much love and time even F2P gave them free marketing campaign for one year and in return they give people 10 pulls like beggars to shut them up even without mentioning happy anniversary I hope the communication be better at future and until then I won't support this game anymore


Here's my opinion to "it might've been there plan all along" so here's my question why did they decided to give your "anniversary" reward AFTER the anniversary so imo it makes sense that people were being quick to judge, It's like going late to the meeting and said "at least I came" but yeah that's my opinion but attacking VAs and review bombing (other game that isn't Genshin) is horrible


a lot of people definitely have crossed the line, and attacking the VA is just dirty


I don't think a comparison to McDonalds, Samsung, and Apple giving customers free stuff because they make a lot of money was relevant to a gacha video game. For fast food restaurants, you have loyalty rewards where you get free food or offers (not 100% sure but loyalty rewards for companies do exist). However, unlike companies, a gacha game has a community and is mainly based off a community. You can argue this is exactly the same for the 3 companies mentioned previously, where consumers play the role of the "community", however, at the end of the day, there is no "gacha" in buying a burger or a new phone. In addition, you don't receive the same kind of community support through things like artwork, content, and a loyal fanbase in general as McDonalds, Samsung, or Apple (you don't see many people willingly drawing burgers in their spare time for McDonalds).

In order to make a truly fair comparison, you have to compare 2 similar things to each other. You compare gacha games to other gacha games like how you compare a McDonalds burger to another burger and not an iPhone, and because Genshin has become THE MOST popular gacha game in a long while (maybe even ever?) primarily due to the support from their loyal fanbase, fans expect something something equal to their support and loyalty in the anniversary. When comparing Genshin's anniversary to other smaller gacha games' first anniversaries, you can see why some people would be disappointed and even angry - they wonder why so many other gacha games with significantly less community support gives so much for their anniversaries. Anniversaries in gacha games have historically been the most significant event in the year, but when you can equally compare it to the Lantern Rite festival we had months back, it makes it seem less significant(not to mention the lack of actual content, not events). I do NOT at all agree attacking VAs or review bombing is the right way to vent frustration, but like you said in the video, Mihoyo also not communicating whatsoever in addition to everything mentioned previously (and more) just makes it seem like Mihoyo does not care about the community's support and loyalty at all, which leads some people in the community to do what they are currently doing.


You know what would solve everything? Just one thing - Communication


This is why I don't join any big community and only keep my genshin circle small


This dude is oblivion. The problem wasn't with the ani, it was with the f up events a lack of endgame and more.
The ani made us to take action to say what we feel. And still they are giving shits.
Nah, I'm out. Ain't worth my time.


The wings were apart of an announced paid bundle. This is 100% damage control. Especially with the mails coming from the genshin team and not paimon.


MHY may disappoint me, the community may disappoint me further, but Tenha never did, thank you as always


1:45 please don't compare food and phones with in-game currency please.
It ain't the same thing.


Wasn’t the glider supposed to be a part of the bundle? I can’t help but think the glider is damage control, which isn’t a bad thing but yes we need more communication going forward


Yeah the wings was supposed to be on the shop 😂😂, so mihoyo used the initiative to lessen the riot. But still I'm very angry with the community attacking the VA's and other games like dude what fault did they made? I understand the community about genshin impact but please don't attack others that are not related to the issue please 🥺 🥺.


Wings literally were gonna be part of a 30 dollar bundle, so of course they didn't planed that, it's obvious that 10 fates were the only thing :D


the wings were suppposed to be apart of a 30 dollar pack but since the there was such outrage in the community my guess is they ended up giving it for free to calm everyone down, so i dont think it was planned like this no
