Why you're not getting coaching clients...

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Imagine walking into a restaurant and finding only chicken on the menu. It’s not exciting, and it’s a mistake many coaches make by offering only standard coaching packages.
To attract more clients, you need a varied menu.
Here are three simple options:
1. One-on-one coaching for seven months.
2. Group coaching program for four months.
3. Private one-day intensive session.
Offering diverse options sparks curiosity and gives potential clients different ways to work with you. Stop offering just coaching and create a powerful menu of services.
#coaching #businessgrowth #clientattraction #success #coachingtips
To attract more clients, you need a varied menu.
Here are three simple options:
1. One-on-one coaching for seven months.
2. Group coaching program for four months.
3. Private one-day intensive session.
Offering diverse options sparks curiosity and gives potential clients different ways to work with you. Stop offering just coaching and create a powerful menu of services.
#coaching #businessgrowth #clientattraction #success #coachingtips
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