A Phantasy Star Online Reboot? While PSO2 NGS is Still Active?

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As of late, there have been whisperings of a reboot/remaster for the original Phantasy Star Online. I guess we'll have to wait and see if this actually happens.

Phantasy Star Online 2 (c) SEGA

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Imagine pso1 itemization, level design, boss design, etc, with ngs movement fluidity and modern graphics


I need a remake of the original so badly right about now.... 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


I was always on the thought-process that if Sega took the existing PSO2 Base or NGS game engine, and then work on a PSO1 reimagining/reboot from there. It would save a bunch of time and all the content that we love from PSO1 would remain intact, it will be done through those modern game engines with higher level of customization and quality of life options.


I would rather have a reboot of the original Phantasy Star series 1-4


While waiting we have, Ephinea, Eden (PSO), and Clementine for PSU .


I love the idea of a PSO reboot, but have a pretty high disbelief that they could pull it off correctly. I'd be too afraid that they'd
Nerf the difficulty and turn the more methodical combat of PSO into the stage rush that's PSO2 (I haven't played NG so maybe that's not true anymore).

I definitely prefer the more slow-paced gameplay of PSO, Where going back and restocking supplies mid dungeon was a thing.


I think the direction of a PSO remake/remaster will become more clear once other Sega reboots come out. Until that happens we can only speculate.
While we're here to speculate I'll chip in, I can only really see 2 paths: the 1st being a simple port maybe updated graphics and other visual effects, maybe cross platform multiplayer and some other new features but that's it, much less effort and mostly just a cash-grab but it seems to be a popular trend in the industry right now. I also think a PSO remaster wouldn't really compete with NGS for revenue which is what Sega would prefer, but I think it would mean private servers getting nuked which would be tragic because they do amazing work.
The 2nd option is a full blown remake from the ground up. I think this option isn't totally out of the question but to me it seems like its a much higher level of execution and if you fuck it up fans will be furious. PSO has some of the best visual presentation and aesthetics, sound design and music, a lot of really good rpg mechanics especially loot, the story while not being a focus is still very intriguing and mysterious. The combat is quite outdated and modern audiences wouldn't like it so it has to be scrapped but everything else is exceptional. I think with the right team it could be an amazing game, maybe the best entry in the franchise, but with how Sega has handled NGS so far it would have me quite concerned for how well it would turn out. If this path is chosen I could see private servers for the original game staying up because the remake would be so radically different, just for this fact alone I hope this is what they do even if I think it's unlikely.
A PSO remake has to happen at some point, if it's being worked on now I just really hope they put time and effort into it.


The combat really is much better than the newer games, graphics and effects aside. It actually mattered, getting hit mattered, positioning and avoiding enemies and such. The idea was to not get overwhelmed... it a way its like dealing with slow moving (walking) zombie hordes type of gameplay... its that 'dungeon' style gameplay ppl ask for that you cant properly get with the newer grind/farm based stuff.


I see this as being a win for the series if they actually go all out on it.
It would bring new young fans to the franchise, and also bring the age rating back down to Teen as it was before.
I really do not like a lot of the weird things inserted into PSO2 while it was stuck in Japan for the longest time, such as some of the costumes and accessories (though not all)..
Updating PSO to feature PSO2's style of combat system would be a match-made in heaven!


I figure they're more likely to go all-out, given the description, if they do it. I've always wished we could see some of those older monsters in a game with a PSO2+ combat system. Delsabers and Il Gils would be a heck of a fight. :) Not sure how they'd adjust the 'drone' type enemies in each area to a more action-based system, but there are ways I'm sure.

The bigger question to me is if they'd try to run it as a new, fully live service game, since there are a couple reasons for them not to. One being they're still doing NGS, and the other being the popping of the live service bubble. Seems like they'd benefit from making it a bit less update-dependent, given they've got the material for the full game's content already.


I feel like if they did it, it *won't* be an MMO. If it happened, I'm just imagining it'd be a one-and done singleplayer game with a multiplayer option - like Phantasy Star Portable 1 and 2 were, so they can keep NGS up alongside it for the MMO experience. Eh, scratch the one and done thing actually, this is the modern games industry, and they JUST did it making The Answer for Persona 3 Reload into DLC - They'd probably make Episode 1 the main game, and the others into DLC.

If it happened though, I wonder if they'd just leave out Episode 3, update it card game and all, or remake it as a normal combat game like the other episodes instead to make the full story experience available for those that don't want to play a cardgame for the full plot - Episode 3 was indeed polarising like that


I still have PSO for Dreamcast and Gamecube sitting on my game shelf. To this day I still play PSOBB with friends as well. If Sega does it right and just updates the engine they can take my money! I'd love to play PSO with better controls and an updated engine online with others. My fear is that it'll be turned into a gatcha game with new gameplay mechanics. That would ruin the game for me and many others...


honestly, I just want a re-release of the original pso I then, kinda like classic wow, go to episode II, then Blue Burst. that's all I would want.


I'll stick with Ephinea. I don't trust Sega with anything Phantasy Star related after what they did with PSO2 NGS


The only way I can see this working is if they incorporate it into NGS. Kind of like how you can travel back and forth between PSO2 and NGS, being able to hop into PSO would be kind of cool too. One PSO account to access all the PSO games. It probably would require quite a bit of work on SEGA's part though, but I can sort of seeing it creating an interesting solution to the NGS content problem where they could reuse old content while working on new stuff. Old content still needs a lot of work to actualize, especially in a new engine, but not nearly as much as new content does probably.
I'm not opposed to it to be honest, but I also don't think it's going to happen. Zippo, despite the article claiming he's a good source, has also gotten tons of stuff wrong. Trusting most leakers is more like trusting a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy's uncle who said something is in consideration. Not very reliable.


The reboot would be a new beginning of the end of Sega. There is hope finally :)


It’ll probably be an add on kinda like what they did with NGS. The story to NGS can go anywhere, since you’re a clone of the hero in vanilla PSO2, plus they’ve already established a multiverse with the PSU event quest. Or it could be a prequel to PSO1 which has you as the crew from pioneer 1. Or maybe the starless is what’s causing the destruction of planet Coral. I’m pretty sure that Sega can pull this off.


I have some serious doubt they will reboot PSOBB in the way I would want, with the full detail of drops and everything.


Id love that pso reboot. I could actually experience it with all the possible friends i couldve made in the 90s.
Also id prefer bad combat over bad loot and grind tedium from ngs


Phantasy Star Online Ultimate? I am in. Don't forget, SEGA made PS:Nova while PSO2 was running.
