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What do you think would be your favourite meal?! Also, mega thanks to all those people that submitted their school lunch recipes about two years ago, I didn't forget, sometimes things just take a bit longer with me haha!
VLOG CHANNEL for the chilled vibes: @extragrackvlogs insta: gracebooth97
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damn some school kids are eating GOOD, I remember getting a stale pizza slice but the sheet pan cakes with custard were banging


Papa Booth - “it’s just leaves innit”. 😂🤣😂🤣


It's interesting that the Chinese dishes you seemed to enjoy most of all were, incidentally, vegetarian. It shows that meat is not essential to make a balanced meal, in school or elsewhere. It also shows that vegetarian cooking is at its best when it doesn't try to imitate meat or compensate for the lack of it, but rather when it just happens not to include any.


From the USA: that nacho photo took me back 😂 the ones you made are probably much fresher, the cheese we normally had was super processed like velvetta and we would drink the chocolate milk as we ate the nachos, which seeing you eat it does seem a bit strange


Your edition of the Czech meal cracks me up so much, the side is actually potato dumplings, not just potatoes and they elevate the meal so much. It is a very typical school meal here, schools offer hot lunches every day and you can usually choose from a couple of options, very often it's a meat + carb + veggie combo, or sauce + dumplings + meat combo.


Curious where the New Zealand person went to school, because it’s super uncommon for “school lunches” to be served. More common is for most students to bring their lunch from home and for the school to have a tuck shop where small individual items like sandwiches, pies, chips, maybe pizza slices are available to buy! That croissant did look good though!


I'm from New Zealand and can confirm...everywhere is different! We take lunch boxes as opposed to having a hot lunch (usually) :) Thanks for featuring our little country!


Am I the only one who actually loves pak choi? 🤔 its so versatile and yummy!


Oh my gosh I have never seen anyone feature the tomato and scrambled egg before - I grew up on it and its my absolute favourite!! 😍 also completely off topic but I LOVE that shirt and gold hoop earrings combo on you - just looks so effortlessly classy and *chefs kiss*


Literally shock when indonesia got mentions, i am from indonesia and i've gone through phase when i just ate mie bakso EVERY LUNCH for two years. Y'all asian gonna eat that shit up i swear!!! Don't forget the chilli sauce too, highly recommended 🎉


When I was in elementary school we had a fixed menu and we got a main course (carbs usually) a second course (usually a protein and a side dish) and then dessert and fruit served at the table, like in a restaurant. We start fancy dining at a really young age here in Italy 😂


Agree with the NZ comments made so far regarding kiwi school lunch. Lunches were not provided in my day, you bought your lunch most days except when you were allowed to take some money to school and purchase food from the tuckshop/canteen. And then the choices were not healthy, they were generally carb-loaded such as pies, sausage rolls, there were sandwiches, and then lots of snacks, chips, chocolate, pastries, ice-creams and cans of soda etc. I'm assuming the person that sent through their lunch was bought from home.


It’s been over 10 years since I was in school in NZ, but we never had school dinners at my schools, just a canteen where you could buy a bunch of different things (or the older kids would sneak out to the petrol station down the road)! The quintessential kiwi canteen lunch was a mince and cheese pie and a Primo milk (or a V when you got older), maybe an apple as well if you were trying to be healthier. Other classics were a Cookie Time cookie from on top of the pie warmer so the chocolate was melted, Juicies, Paddle Pops, and Cyclone ice blocks, and sausage rolls. You could also order made-to-order sandwiches in the mornings to be ready to pick up at lunch time. At primary school if you wanted to order lunch you would write what you wanted on a brown paper bag and put the money inside and every morning someone from each class would take all the orders to the canteen and pick them up at lunch time. For me that was a treat though and normally I’d take my own lunch from home, which usually consisted of a sandwich, some chips (crisps), a piece of fruit, and some home baking if we were lucky.


When I was in school (in Ireland) we didn’t have school provided lunches. Now I’m a teacher and there’s a school canteen but its for the students to purchase. Options include- baguettes, chicken curry, pasta, cereal bars etc. A majority of students bring lunches from home and a lot of schools don’t have canteens.


Hi Grace, as a Type 1 diabetic I've always envied you all the sweet food you can eat with impunity, and that gave me a video idea for you. What if you spent a week eating like a Type 1 diabetic - as little sugar as possible (no lollies unless they're made with sugar alternatives like aspartame or isomaltose which you have to be careful of as they will cause diarrhoea if eaten in excess), counting your carbs, and if you're totally craving something sweet maybe you could bake a sugarfree cake/biscuit/etc? If you have any questions regarding the eating life of a Type 1 diabetic I'm happy to help.


I'm from the netherlands and I've never had a school lunch. We just brought our own sandwiches to school and some kids went home at noon to have lunch because our schoolday was cut into two parts (morning and afternoon). And in secundary school we had a school canteen where you could buy a cup of soup or a sandwich or something but never lunches like you see in the movies. I was always so jealous of other countries because they got warm lunch at school.😂


We never had school meals growing up. We carried lunches from home in a brown bag, or a lunch pail. Roast beef sandwich on Monday (after Sunday dinner roast), then ham & cheese, or peanut butter & jam sandwich the rest of the week. My brother once complained about boring lunches. Next day: he opened his lunch pail & found a hot dog bun with ketchup & mustard on it. He cursed our mom and ate his bun. Next, he opened his Thermos and poured his drink. In the Thermos was a hot dog. But he had already eaten the bun, so he cursed himself and ate his wiener. He never complained again. Our mom was an angel who tried her best.


Being 40, I’m sure school lunches have changed a lot since I was in school. In elementary, that square cardboard pizza with the cube pepperoni was EVERYTHING. Didn’t even notice what other choices they had.

Came with some wack ass French fries. Killed those too 😂. This is in the southern US.


I love the vids where you try foods from around the world !! Grace is my fave YouTuber I love her sm <33


Speaking of potato salad, here’s a recipe you have to try:
Pickle juice
Green onions
Mustard powder
Boiled potatoes
