HE'S BROKEN! UPDATED Venti Support Build Guide [Best Artifacts, Weapons & Teams] - Genshin 3.1

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Here's a BRAND NEW Venti Guide for the upcoming 2.6 Venti and Ayato Banners. If you're pulling for Venti, here's everything you need to know!

Venti Docs:
Who Can Hit What in Venti Burst:
General Venti TC Info:

0:00 Intro
0:30 Kit Overview [Detailed]
3:17 Best Artifact Sets
4:29 Artifact Stats [EM or Crit Venti]
6:15 Best Weapons
7:41 Great Team Options
11:01 Constellation Overview
12:37 Final Thoughts

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You forgot the most important thing. Venti will leave all your loot in a nice pile instead of being spread all over the field!


Crit Build for Venti would also be massively stronger if he's paired with Shenhe. But that is such a niche use case for a 4-pc that would take months and months to build.


I've had venti since the games release and he is absolutely hands down the God of mob control and the God of swirl, in boss fights his hold skill is a game changing making it so easy to dodge attacks and gives full access to plunging attacks mid combos in rotations


Got Venti today and I'm excited to explore chasm with him since his wind current makes it insanely easy to climb the terrain there quickly.


Venti was my first ever 5 star and I am so happy to see him getting love again.


Venti is a character is a must for me if i want to speedrun domain. And with a decent ER, you can keep his burst up constantly


I appreciate the F2P assessment; however, how about a new player friendly? Some characters require materials that a new player isn't going to see any time in the near future unless they play very hardcore. One big advantage I see to Venti for new players is that all of his materials are farmable from day 1. I find this to be very attractive and would recommend new players to roll on him over Ayato for this reason alone.


Venti is awesome. Also, don't let every CC in the world try to scare you off a crit build. Genshin is not the spiral abyss. If you want to run past some enemies and just kill them all without slowing down, crit works amazingly. Assuming you have at least 2 out of the 3 from Venti, Kazuha, and Sucrose, Venti is probably the best of the group with crit. I was running him, jean, Zhongli, and Albedo while getting Zhongli's friendship to 10 and they melt pretty much everything. Obviously swirl is pretty OP but his ult is OP without it if you are going crit. In terms of teams, run him with Beidou and Xingiu with someone to apply their ults into his ult (Yanfei or Ningguong for instance) and watch everything melt. It is very satisfying.


Also a tip, in co-op if you need to feed your characters and you have venti out if the enemy you and your team are fighting cannot hit you in the air then you can hold e and glide up to eat and not get hit since the fight won't stop in co-op when you pause and your teammates can use the wind current too


Many people compare him to Kazuha but that doesn’t make any sense since they are completely different unis
"If ThEy ArE cOmPlEtElY dIfFeReNt ThEn hOw DiD kAzUhA pOwErCrEeP vEnTi???"
He didn’t powercreep Venti
"WeLl ThEn WhY dId vEnTi LeAvE tHe MeTa AfTeR kAzUhA cAmE oUt???"
That’s because right after Kazuha came out enemies that are strong against Venti and Neutral against Kazuha came out, that’s why, if we see enemies that let’s say have immense elemental resistance, lots of HP, lightweight and like to spread around the field Venti will be the one to shine and Kazuha will suffer (but this is just an example obviously)


Video title: "God tier anemo support.."
Venti: "I am the GOD actually "


*Smol YSK about Venti for newer players:*
Back in the "older" Abyss there used to be tons of smaller enemies in the higher floors, so Venti was actually the best Abyss support character.
That's why almost all the players back then pulled for him & have/had him built. : )


Bruh the last team (Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Zhongli) is literally my team since Xiao got released. Not because of meta or strength but because I like them. XD


This banner is so so good, I want to pull venti ONCE and then only get all the 4*s for their constellations. C4 Sucrose! C4/5 Xianling! Every player needs these to make your other chars better


Holy sh- I didn't think anyone knew about my Zhongli, Abedo, Venti, Xiao team.

Razor speak is also the best thing to happen to this game.


my friend loves venti. i will send this to him since it takes hours explaining to him things like what ER is


thank you for the guide! i'm so excited for venti. already preparing different builds (crit and EM) + mats, all i need is venti himself to come home 😩😩


I use Venti, Raiden, Kokomi and zhongli this team is an ultimate AFK for me, place everyone E and Venti Q after that Electro-charge and Zhongli's Dong will finish the job


I stand correct about my decision to pull Venti

After all, Kazuha isn't guaranteed to be in the next versions ( I'm not mentioning speculations so please don't reply to me about those ) so may as well invest in Venti


i remember that i pulled venti from my free 10 pull when the game first came out but that account got hacked and ive never been able to recover it.
