Brandon Forschino's Catholic Conversion

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Brandon Forschino was a successful business prodigy who fell in love with Jesus but was done with going to church. Then he walked into Mass, and his life was never the same. Hear his amazing journey to the faith.

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Brandon’s comment that he’s never heard one anti-Protestant comment in a homily is so true, me either, not once. I’m proud of that!!!


I am a 64 years old cradle Catholic that stumbled upon Catholicism when I was 52. I am addicted to conversions stories and I probably watched every episode of The Journey Home with Scott Hahn at least five times. I can remember watching Keith's very first conversion video and his episode on The Journey Home show. BUT this story of Brandon's is my absolute favorite conversion story. God Bless both you two men. Thank God we have you in our Church right now. Viva Christo Rei!!!


This was a great testimony. I hope and pray my wife will join me in the Catholic Church.


i've made a similar post on another one of your videos. I hope Brandon will read this. My father, a Catholic, married my mother, a Lutheran and they had my sister and I. My father took my sister and I to mass every week by himself occasionally, my mom would join us. daddy went to daily mass, said the rosary daily and always taught us to put God before anything . Over the course of our life Mamma became more and more involved and interested and started taking theology classes on her own. She was confirmed into the Catholic faith with my sister about 16 years after they had been married. My father never pressured her to join the Catholic faith. Over the years mammas parents, her sister, her brother-in-law, their two children, and those children's husbands and children all became Catholic. Our Abba is so good, be patient and pray for their conversion!


What a blessing how your kids took a liking to the Mass right away. After our family went to Mass for the first time, my oldest, then 3, as I was strapping her into the car seat said "that felt familiar". Oh, my heart!


Please God, I pray and believe that you will bring my son back to the Catholic Faith! He is on FIRE for the Lord...but is in nondenominational church!


I was so blessed by his testimony, specially wanting his wife conversion for his own benefit and CHANGING THAT PRAYER and seeing God work the miracle!!! All praise to God!!!


Maybe sometimes we should combat some of the nonsensical objections or accusations by people telling us what we believe about Mary, etc., that we say, "Come and see. You are welcome to come to Mass anytime and see what we do and how we worship and love God. Come and see how we pray and what we are taught."


Great job...I'm in Ocala & close to st a powerful witness!


The beauty of the Catholic mass: so many ways and opportunities to encounter grace.


@1:09:11 … ‼️TRUTH‼️ goodness…made tears stream from of my eyes….How Blessed are your dear children & your lovely wife? 🙏🏼❣️ GLORY TO GOD 🙏🏼 Oh St Joseph, protector of The Holy Infant & His Immaculate Mother, PRAY FOR US 🙏🏼❤️


I was born and bred a catholic. Throughout my life, I have talked to others, but never considered anything other than the host is Christ - nonnegotiable. Converting easy, no problem.
Nay nay! With that said, I am having so much fun listening to your interviews. They are teaching me about the incredible journey that it takes to be a Catholic. I kind of understand why it would take seven years to convert. Kinda.


44 minutes in and I am smilingly with so much joy about Brandon's story...


as a cradle catholic, hearing two converts talk about the behind-the-scenes conversion process is so enjoyable, hopeful, and insightful. Thank you! I am inspired to invite more protestants to attend adoration and mass. Thank you Keith!


Greetings from Singapore ! 🇸🇬

What an Inspiring, Awesome & Beautiful Testimony !👍👏

Thank You Both Gentlemen for this.

May the Lord and Our Blessed Mother, Bless you Both and your Families too. 🙏🏻


Fantastic testimony! Welcome home Brandon! Many thanks for sharing Keith, you are doing the Lord's work!


Brandon what a great testimony of conversion and faith in Jesus


The family and I are excited for the premiere!


God calls us to be Saints! Now that is the ultimate vocation!


Wonderful and very encouraging conversation. Thank you both for your kindness and generosity, and for affirming us Catholics. Greetings from the Philippines.
