How to Import and Configure Cisco IOU L3 Appliance in GNS3 VM | SYSNETTECH Solutions

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This video shows you the steps to use and configure Cisco IOU L3 Appliance on the GNS3 VM.
To add #L3 #Appliance:
Step 1: You need to install GNS3 and GNS3 VM on your computer to perform this process. After completing the necessary installations, run the simulator program.
Step 2: Open the Add Appliance window and select the category of the device you want to add.
Step 3: After the virtual server is opened, click the Next button in the Appliance window.
Step 4: Click the Import button in the Required Files window and upload your IOU image to the GNS3 VM.
Step 5: After the upload is completed, you will see Ready to Install in the Status section. Select the IOS you installed and click Next and Finish.
Step 6: Create a new project in #GNS3 and drag and drop the imported device to the workspace and run it and test it.
Step 7: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco networking with GNS3!
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To add #L3 #Appliance:
Step 1: You need to install GNS3 and GNS3 VM on your computer to perform this process. After completing the necessary installations, run the simulator program.
Step 2: Open the Add Appliance window and select the category of the device you want to add.
Step 3: After the virtual server is opened, click the Next button in the Appliance window.
Step 4: Click the Import button in the Required Files window and upload your IOU image to the GNS3 VM.
Step 5: After the upload is completed, you will see Ready to Install in the Status section. Select the IOS you installed and click Next and Finish.
Step 6: Create a new project in #GNS3 and drag and drop the imported device to the workspace and run it and test it.
Step 7: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco networking with GNS3!
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