100% Touchless Car Wash Tutorial

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Black cars
Comes back 2 days later
The struggle is real


I work at a wash, it’s really shocking how many people don’t actually know how to use a self a service bay, but great video. My personal steps in the bays Is high pressure rinse>presoak>foam conditioner>wax>high pressure rinse

The foam conditioner kinda helps with loosening dirt and as well giving your car a more glossy/more shine effect


The condition of those microfiber towels will haunt my dreams


1. Pre soak
2. High pressure soap
3. Car wax
4. Rinse
Thank me later


So I followed step 1 and 2 but getting to step 3 my car exploded anyone had similar issues?


Good job on the jambs. I remember I had a guy open my door of my 2011 si once and he was amazed at how clean my door jambs were. Nice to see people notice!


Man, honestly thanks a lot. Mine is black also and those water spots kill me every time. I stay in a apartment also and have no way too use a water hose. This is quality content right here!


Pre soak is under appreciated by a lot of people. It’s a high PH soak and that will break down a ton of debris. Good on you.


Use the spray on wax during your first pass of drying with the towel, then do your final 'buff' with another towel to get the last of the moisture and buff out any streaks left. Spraying the wax on the first pass with all the water on the paint will help move some of that water before you even touch it, and provide the lubrication while you are drying, which further reduces the risk of swirls and scratches you could introduce.

Also depends on how dirty your car is on if a 'touchless' wash will really work. If you have gone weeks without washing, or have some really built up grime or dirt, doing the touchless method will get most but not all of the dirt. Then when you go to dry, you'll just be smearing around the left on dirt still on the paint.


"dont do circles when you dry" *proceeds to do a circle while drying


Great video! Clears up a lot of misconceptions and other wrong techniques. Just an idea (and something that I do)...for what it's worth, I get a couple gallons of distilled water (for a wash as such in the video one or two is fine) and then pour it over the car after the touchless wash is complete. The reason water leaves water spots is that the minerals/other impurities in the water stay on the paint after the water evaporates off and dry on as water spots. If you get some distilled water and pour it top down, it will rinse all the contaminated water (distilled water has no impurities) off of the car and will reduce the chance of water spots greatly. It's still a good idea to dry after, though to not have streaks. If anyone wants to try it, it really works!


This MADE MY SHELBY SHINE SO MUCH! I stayed away from these For so Long because my last mustang i took to wash it at a touchless car wash, i started off with the
High pressure rinse
high pressure soap,
High pressure rinse again
Low Pressure Wax
My car had wax streaks over & there was Still TONS of dirt all over the car, as if it hadn't even been washed. Appreciate the video now im doing for this forever


You touched your car with the water and rag so is really 100% touch less lol


Just bought a 19 GT PP1 in "shadow black" and live in a apartment complex. This video has helped me so much even got the same spray on wax. Works wonders just like you said. On my way to car wash now and can't wait to drive it in the street lights afterwards. Thanks again


Instructions were unclear, started washing myself and not my car.


Yes! Definitely do more of these. I have a black 16 mustang and live in an apartment so I’ve been trying to find the best way to clean it. I would love to see an interior tutorial so I can give the car the treatment it deserves


I cringe so hard whenever i see people with nice cars using that foam broom.


Bro this was the legit the most practical video to washing your car if you live at an apartment. I already have micro fibers now I just need the wax and I can clean up my wrx. I definitely wasn't trying to bring my own bucket and a bunch of other stuff. I probably will rinse and use the brush they provide for my tires only 😅.
Thanks dude I really appreciate you!


Good stuff buddy! As someone who owns a black truck and prides himself on keeping it immaculate, I approve of your methods. I use a mix of Adams and Gyeon products. I use a 3 bucket wash since i do go offroad sometimes. I usually foam the shit out of it to the point where the mud starts to slide off then go at it hard with the pressure washer and after that use the 2 buckets to wash away. dab of paste wax every 2 months and H2O guard and gloss in between keeps the shine. Also carry a bottle of waterless wash incase of bird shit or gas dripps onto the paint while filling up.


I took your advice and it works very well thank you. I've had people stare at the car wash because of how quickly I finish and how shiney the looks.
