Implementing SRE practices: SLI/SLO deep dive - David Blank Edelman - DevOpsDays Tel Aviv 2018

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Let’s demystify one of the core practices of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and how you might bring it into your own environment.
Implementing SRE practices: SLI/SLO deep dive - David Blank Edelman - DevOpsDays Tel Aviv 2018
SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, oh my! (class SRE implements DevOps)
SREcon18 Europe - Real World SLOs and SLIs: A Deep Dive
SREcon18 Americas - Real World SLOs and SLIs: A Deep Dive
#96 - Practical Guide to Implementing SRE and SLOs - Alex Hidalgo
How to get started with SLI/SLO with Steve McGhee
SREcon19 Americas - Case Study: Implementing SLOs for a New Service
SLI, SLO, SLA, Risk & Error Budget | Class SRE implements DevOps | Adopting SRE in Daily Life
What is SRE | Tasks and Responsibilities of an SRE | SRE vs DevOps
SRE Golden Signals Explained
The Art of SLOs (Service Level Objectives)
TechTalkThursday #12 - SRE with SLI/SLO by Daniel Lorch
An SLO-Driven Approach to Enhance Kubernetes Cluster Reliability - Qian Ding & Cong Chen
SLIs, SLOs, SLAs and the Monitoring Landscape
Putting SRE Principles into Practice with Stackdriver
3 Concepts to Master for DevOps/SRE Interviews
Four SRE golden signals
SREcon24 Europe/Middle East/Africa - Sailing the Database Seas: Applying SRE Principles at Scale
Ensuring Reliability with SLOs with Datadog & Google Cloud
Dissecting DevOps - Measuring quality in a SaaS world: SLA, SLI, SLO
Risk and Error Budgets (class SRE implements DevOps)
SREcon18 Europe - SRE for Mobile Applications
SREcon19 Europe/Middle East/Africa - How to SRE When Everything's Already on Fire
SREcon17 Americas - Ten Persistent SRE Antipatterns Pitfalls on the Road to a Successful SRE Program