Types of Plants |Types of Plants for Kids | Different types of plants I Trees I Shrubs I Herbs

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This video will tell about different types of plants .
We see plants of different sizes and forms around us. Some are tall and huge while other are short, delicate and lie on ground.
There are basically 3 types of plants they are
Trees: They are big and strong plants. They have thick, hard and woody stem called TRUNK. They have many branches. They live for several years.
Shrubs: They are taller than the herbs but shorter than a tree. They have hard and woody stems. They have thin branches.
Herbs: They are very small plants. Their stem is very soft and green. They can stand erect. They can be easily uprooted.
Climbers: They have weak stem. They cannot stand straight. They need support of other plant, rocks or wall to grow up.
Creepers: They have weak stems. They grow along the ground.They have big and heavy fruits.
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This video will tell about different types of plants .
We see plants of different sizes and forms around us. Some are tall and huge while other are short, delicate and lie on ground.
There are basically 3 types of plants they are
Trees: They are big and strong plants. They have thick, hard and woody stem called TRUNK. They have many branches. They live for several years.
Shrubs: They are taller than the herbs but shorter than a tree. They have hard and woody stems. They have thin branches.
Herbs: They are very small plants. Their stem is very soft and green. They can stand erect. They can be easily uprooted.
Climbers: They have weak stem. They cannot stand straight. They need support of other plant, rocks or wall to grow up.
Creepers: They have weak stems. They grow along the ground.They have big and heavy fruits.
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Credit: vector images designed by freepik
and designed by Vecteezy
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