Lucene/Solr 8: The Next Major Release - Steve Rowe, Lucidworks
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Presented at Activate 2018
Lucene and Solr 8 will be released near the end of 2018. This session will explore new features, performance improvements and breaking changes.
Lucene and Solr 8 will be released near the end of 2018. This session will explore new features, performance improvements and breaking changes.
Lucene/Solr 8: The Next Major Release - Steve Rowe, Lucidworks
Apache Lucene and Apache Solr 8 What’s coming next?
Apache Lucene 8, Apache Solr und Elasticsearch – ein Überblick | Uwe Schindler
Apache Lucene and Apache Solr 8 What’s coming next
Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch Differences | How to Choose Your Open Source Search Engine - Sematext
The Split Between Apache Lucene and Apache Solr - Jan Høydal and Michael Sokolov
Leveraging Apache Solr and Lucene To Boost Your Search | Edureka
Introduce to Lucene & Solr
Super-speedy scoring in Lucene 8
Concurrent Search In Lucene
Using Lucene/Solr to Surface the Big Data of Social Media
Berlin Buzzwords 2017: Uwe Schindler - Apache Lucene 7 - What's coming next? #bbuzz
The Evolution of Lucene & Solr Numerics from Strings to Points - Steve Rowe, Lucidworks
Speeding Up Lucene with GPUs - Ishan Chattopadhyaya, Committer & PMC Member, Apache Lucene/Solr
Lucene/Solr on Windows: Azure: Microsoft and OSS Working Together
Television News Search and Analysis with Lucene/Solr
Apache Solr 8 - Should I Optimize the Index?
Lucene/Solr Revolution 2015 Recap
Comparing SolR/Lucene/ElasticSearch vs. Cloud based Search Providers
Solr & Spark for Real-Time Big Data Analytics
High Performance Solr and JVM Tuning Strategies used for MapQuest’s Search Ahead
Lucene 4 Performance Tuning
Simple Fuzzy Name Matching in Solr
Introduction to Apache Solr | Edureka