Lunaria - Ballada

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Długo wyczekiwana piosenka o pokoju, która przebrnęła przez wiele tytułów, ale jednak największą popularność zyskała "Ballada". Dziękujemy wszystkim za Wasze propozycje, wsparcie, udostępnienie oraz każdy każdy nagrany duet. Oto pełna wersja naszego utworu.
Utwór ten dedykujemy szczególnie Amelii Zając. Jesteś naszą bohaterką. Wracaj szybko do pełni sił!
Autorzy: Borys Stepanyan, Michał Posełek
English lyrics:
We run away as far as we can
From what the world doesn’t want to see
When everyone around is afraid
Wondering if tomorrow will be easier
Where is the goodness that was within us?
Everything has turned to dust
Why was there so much anger in us?
No hope and no words
These tears
Shed for an illusionary
Peace, a free life
Why does no one see this,
That we have the power to stop evil at its root?
So why don’t we wake up?
So many have already suffered great losses
Let’s try to rise,
Start with ourselves and pass the spark to others
I know that none of us is evil by nature
We try not to lose our souls in the chaos
We defend ourselves, instead of spreading joy, so
Let’s restore what was within us
When our clock started ticking
Why does no one see this,
That we have the power to stop evil at its root?
So why don’t we wake up?
So many have already suffered great losses
Let’s try to rise,
Start with ourselves and pass the spark to others
Supposedly, many experiences
Have taught us, but we know nothing
Where is the wisdom? Hypocrisy
Has caught up with us, it’s time to come to our senses
Do we know how far
Our tolerance has taken us
To hate our neighbor
Citing the evil one
So many tears, envy, borders
Mothers who lost everything for nothing
Today, life has taken everything from them
We’ve had enough of indifference
We have hell here on earth
Who said that…
Time heals all wounds?
So where is your face?
So where is your face?
So where is your face?
Instagram: @lunariapolska
Chcesz nas wesprzeć i otrzymywać od nas specjalne benefity?
Utwór ten dedykujemy szczególnie Amelii Zając. Jesteś naszą bohaterką. Wracaj szybko do pełni sił!
Autorzy: Borys Stepanyan, Michał Posełek
English lyrics:
We run away as far as we can
From what the world doesn’t want to see
When everyone around is afraid
Wondering if tomorrow will be easier
Where is the goodness that was within us?
Everything has turned to dust
Why was there so much anger in us?
No hope and no words
These tears
Shed for an illusionary
Peace, a free life
Why does no one see this,
That we have the power to stop evil at its root?
So why don’t we wake up?
So many have already suffered great losses
Let’s try to rise,
Start with ourselves and pass the spark to others
I know that none of us is evil by nature
We try not to lose our souls in the chaos
We defend ourselves, instead of spreading joy, so
Let’s restore what was within us
When our clock started ticking
Why does no one see this,
That we have the power to stop evil at its root?
So why don’t we wake up?
So many have already suffered great losses
Let’s try to rise,
Start with ourselves and pass the spark to others
Supposedly, many experiences
Have taught us, but we know nothing
Where is the wisdom? Hypocrisy
Has caught up with us, it’s time to come to our senses
Do we know how far
Our tolerance has taken us
To hate our neighbor
Citing the evil one
So many tears, envy, borders
Mothers who lost everything for nothing
Today, life has taken everything from them
We’ve had enough of indifference
We have hell here on earth
Who said that…
Time heals all wounds?
So where is your face?
So where is your face?
So where is your face?
Instagram: @lunariapolska
Chcesz nas wesprzeć i otrzymywać od nas specjalne benefity?