TDLR Esthetics Prep Exam With Complete Solution

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.TDLR Esthetics Prep Exam With Complete
OSHA - regulates and enforce safety and health standards in work place
Diplococcic - not considered a bacteria
Pathogens - harmful bacteria
Bacteria - some are harmful, one-cell microorganism, able to live on it
Infection control - methods used to eliminate or reduce pathogens
Sanitation - cleaning is another name for
Infectious disease - harmful bacteria that enter the body
Disinfection - this process destroys most bacteria, but not bacteria spores
spirilla - this spiral shaped bacteria causes syphillis
Inactive stage of bacteria - coat themselves with waxy outer coating, withstands long
periods of famine, not harmed by disinfectants
cocci - round shaped bacteria that appear singularly or in groups
pneumonia - Diploccoci is a spherical shaped bacteria that causes
parasites - grow, feed and shelter on another living organism
pustule - an example of a local infection
inflammation - redness, heat, pain and swelling
white blood cells, bacteria and dead cells - contaminants in pus
bacilli - common bacteria that affects humans
HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis - bloodborne pathogens
viruses differ from bacteria by - the live and reproduce by taking over other cells

virus - parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of a biological
communicable - contagious disease spreads from one person to another
plantar warts - Human Papillomavirus is the technical name for
liver - Hepatitis affects which body organ
universal precaution - assume that all human blood is contaminated
antiseptics - germicides formulated for use on skin and are registered by the FDA
cross contamination - touch skin and then an object without cleaning hands
chelating detergents - break down stubborn films and remove residue of products
sterilization - highest level of decontamination
autoclave - apparatus or tool used to sterilize metal implements
sodium hypochlorite - technical name for bleach
phenolic disinfectants - disinfectants that are high in pH and can damage the skin and eyes
conjunctivitis - technical term for pink eye
folliculitis - bacterial infection or ingrown hair due to shaving
cocci - bacteria that shows little or no motility
skin - the largest organ in the body
5.5 - the acid mantle has and average pH of
barrier function - the skin's mechanism that protects us from irritation and water loss
heat regulation - functions of the skin regulates the body temperature
sebaceous gland - technical name for oil glands
client consultation form - in a client consultation you should have the client fill out
stratum lucidum - layer of the skin is clear and lucid
horny layer - another name for the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of epidermis
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