Load Openstreetmap Data into PostGres Database - Part I - Introduction

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Learn how to load Openstreetmap data into a Postgres/PostGIS database! In the next few videos we'll install Postgres, enable PostGIS, use osm2pgsql to load OSM into Postgres and finally view the data in QGIS.
Load Openstreetmap Data into PostGres Database - Part I - Introduction
Load Openstreetmap Data into PostGres Database - Part 3 - Load Data using osm2pgsql
Load Openstreetmap Data into PostGres Database - Part 2 - Install Postgres and PostGIS
OpenStreetMap + PostgreSQL(How to load OpenStreetMap data into a PostgreSQL Database)
Load Openstreetmap Data into PostGres Database - Part 4 - View OSM Data in QGIS
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