F-35C First Integrated Carrier Ops Aboard USS Lincoln

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F-35C First Integrated Carrier Ops With F-18s, E-2s, CODS etc on USS Lincoln
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My youngest 19 year old graduated Parris Island in November. He is a USMC Avionics tech and he is assigned to the F-35. I am so proud of him!


The flight deck is one of the most dangerous, deadly, and well-orchestrated ballet of controlled chaos in the Nav. These Sailors were taking their sweet, leisurely time practicing launching aircraft - IRL and during war or war-game ops the pace is sped up to 100. I was a Marine on the USS Wasp amphib assault ship and we'd launch Harriers 5 at a time back to back. Five AV8-B's would line up on the flight deck at the same time, one after the other - the lead Harrier's thrust would be used by the Harrier behind it as extra headwind - so on and so forth. One Harrier would reach the one-third to half-way point of the flight deck markings and then the next would start to taxi at full thrust. We'd put 5 birds in the air within 30 - 45 seconds. Practice makes perfect. Controlled chaos....


It’s pretty cool that the “teen” series fighters are some of the best in the world still to this day. F-15, F-16 and F/A-18 variants are still more than a match for most Russian and Chinese planes. They’re catching up tho, so I’m glad the U.S. has the F-22, F-35 and the upcoming NGAD. It would be cool to see 3-4 new designs over the next 10 years that stay way out in front for over 50 years like many of the teen series fighters have. With regular upgrades, of course


It's what really impresses me about this operation is that they have sense of fusion F-35 and F-18 have connectivity and they able to select targets and coordinate attacks against targets while they're all together these are different aircraft diffusion of the integrated ground-attack command-and-control, are their defense, has been coordinated from different aircraft this is fantastic


US Navy, you are really the best ! Thanks for what you do... Baz


I am not a American citizen but I have proud of USA Navy and air force, for the sense of duty and love and protection for their families and their country .


Thank you so much my brothers and sisters that fly in the air they keep us safe I salute all of y'all


I miss it. My ship was the Independence CV-62. There is something electric about being onboard an Aircraft Carrier. It's difficult to explain to citizens. When we would leave Norfolk, we knew we were going to our job. I was an OS and we had some amazing people in OI Division. CIC is where I would spend some time as well as the plot room, the Bridge and various lookout posts. The smells and sounds are unforgettable. Just the most mundane tasks stick out in my memory like entering the island at night or watching flight ops from above the Flag Bridge. Man Overboard drills or having to go down to Snipe country to retrieve something. Fire Watches where you would walk around the entire ship in a four hour period. Looking down the passageways and not being able to see the end. FOD walks. Things that are unique to the Carrier. These videos bring back those memories. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


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F-18 takeoffs are so wild to watch.
Pay attention to the pilots stick hand; they hold a handle at the top of the canopy after their salute and during the cat launch because the F-18 gets especially trimmed out for takeoff and this prevents unwanted pilot reaction.


I'm sure scientists and engineers who know about this stuff will laugh at me, but I am always amazed that they found a way to successfully allow the wings to fold on fighter jets like the F/A-18 and F-35C despite all the power of the engines and forces they endure when maneuvering at top speed. I know they may not be capable of matching the agility of solid-wing Air Force aircraft, but it just blows my mind they can still do the extreme maneuvers we see in various vids.


Our UK carriers operate slightly differently but it is amazing to watch the skills of these people operating aircraft in what must be very trying conditions and keeping it safe.


You can hear how powerful the difference of the thrust of one engine compared to two the F-35 is a thoroughbred


That’s an awesome display of power and technology. 👍


Just some absolutely badass planes to watch launch !!! God bless the people help get them getting in the air and those flying them also every person on that carrier everyone has an important job on that ship



YouTube: Wanna see a F-35 taking off from a carrier?

Me: Yeah why not?


Hay por Dios bendito.esos pilotos son unos valiente.yo los amo y Dios también los ama.


Loud expensive and amazing just like my wife!


So proud of my country and all of it's fighting men and women! I love these videos to see how strong we actually are. God bless the United States of America.


Hi there.
I'm from Iran. I do hope that all the world will live together in peace & tranquility teeming with affinity, love & rapport.
I wish we human were much better than the current condition we are. For me, all nations are equal. No one has supremacy over others. Although I am cognizant that in terms of politics these words are so drab & infinitesimal.
I do love all people & Americans as well.
Viva love, viva freedom.
Warmly greeting from Iran.
