Mona Lisa painting attacked with cake by a man dressed as an elderly woman in wheelchair

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El hombre que la atacó buscaba llamar la atención por el cuidado del medioambiente, según dijo tras ser arrestado #MonaLisa #Gioconda #Louvre

#MonaLisa painting attacked with cake by a man dressed as an elderly woman in wheelchair, in an apparent climate-related protest ⤵️

The iconic Mona Lisa has been 'attacked' with cake by a man disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair.
It's been reported the man tried to smash the glass protecting the world's most famous painting before smearing it with cream in what was thought to be a climate-related publicity stunt at the #Louvre in #Paris.

حدث في متحف اللوفر 🎨

شخص يتنكر في زي سيدة عجوز ويقوم بتلطيخ لوحة "الموناليزا" بالقشطة قبل أن تلقي قوات الأمن القبض عليه

مقطع فيديو انتشر للشخص المقبوض عليه يقول "فكروا في الأرض، الناس يدمرون الأرض" ويبدو أن الدافع وراء الحادث متعلق بالبيئة والمناخ


A visitor to the Louvre tried to smash the glass protecting the Mona Lisa painting before smearing cream across its surface in an

The perpetrator was a man disguised as an old lady who jumped out of a wheelchair before attacking the glass.

Fortunately, the cream only touched the glass that protects the world famous piece.

A video posted on social media showed a Louvre staffer finishing cleaning the pane while another attendant removes a wheelchair from in front of the Da Vinci masterpiece.

"Think of the earth, people are destroying the earth", the man, dressed in a wig, said in French in another video posting that showed him being led away from the Paris gallery with the wheelchair, indicating that the incident likely had an environmentalist motive. | via Reuters
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