The Best Spitfire In War Thunder: Spitfire F Mk.IX

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I’ve spent years in War Thunder trying to master Spitfires. These awesome, fragile, deadly and exquisite aircraft. And great message to those who defend us and have done so. Keep going Sir, please!


I personally found the LF mk 9 as the best for me also, the earlier spits shouldn't have all went up in br, didn't make sense to me. Also you should fly the venom, i dont see much people talking about it and shows how much gaijin just doesn't care about brs


Spitflyer: tries to teach people the intricacies of a spitfire
me: wow a working chat


Personally I would say the LF is the best spitfire, its got insane engine power, turning ability with good armament and decent speed


For me the spitfire XIV is the best tier for tier spitfire. The F mk IX is second on my list but the griffon spit combines excellent manoeuvability climb rate, with speed that no Merlin spitfire has.


Would you look at that: Spit_flyer actually flying a Spitfire.
Also, to counter spit's low fuel amount, you can lower the throttle to reduce consumption.
While it doesn't work with (for example) 109's DB engine, the Merlin allows to maximize your fuel by cruise flying at 70-80%.
For me the usual course is: WEP from 20 to 15 minutes left (climb), then 100%-WEP for around 3-4 minutes (battle), and the remaining 12-10 minutes can be prolonged to ~18 minutes by lowering the throttle. And since there are few enemies left by then, you can use it to ward the battlefield or check the airfields. It also helps if the enemy is camping his AAA, because you can stay at ~5km for this long, keeping them in check. BUT ONLY DO SO IF YOU HAVE TICKETS ADVANTAGE.


The F Mk.IX is probably my most played spitfire, got the 120 rpg for the cannons which is all you need, the 60 on earlier models just isn't enough.
As for the mig-15, it could be good to compare the regular variant to the bis in the current meta. The bis is very much a task to fly in 9.7, while it's very good, you just end up facing so many faster planes that are flying at speeds you compress at, it's just a huge effort to fly well in uptiers I find.


I put a Tailsmens on this spitfire and grinded Britian with it. Such a great plane, and so underrated against things like the LF IX.


I think the Zero in the second match was having packet loss issues given the jitter nature of his plane. So I think he had no control over his plane lol. It's happened to me where I'd get like 60% packet loss and i'd be in a F-4J at 24, 000 ft and then the game decides I should go crash into the ground instead.


Honestly (and i know pilots at these teirs aren't great) ive just started grinding the British tree, and even the first spitfire is great.
Sure before i got the engine upgrade and the incendiary tracers for the 7.7, getting kills was annoying. But you can pretty handily pull aces as long as you focus on staying fast, at alt and alive.

(Alt is good for making speed, but also because it allows you to pick engagements, which is important when your a relatively slow plane, that often gets dragged into 3v1 and 2v1s.)

From my experience killing spits and flying the early spits is: play defensively more than you play offensively. You compress and most people can out run you (with the expetion of Japanese planes). But you can handily outturn, dodge and reverse enemies.

If yohr at alt i wouldn't recommend flying straight in, try to stay fast then use your altitude advantage to Energy trap, via a yo-yo (i think thats the name of the manouvre)
-This isnt necessary but it guarantees a quick end to the 1v1 so other enemies dont get the chance to fly and 3rd party while your busy


how old is this footage that u have chat enabled lmao


SO painful to fly in sim, But for any sim fliers out there, I have some tips to ease the pain.
1. Set controls so you can't pull elevators, make 10% unachievable
2. ease the controls, get used to the spitfire flopping into place
3 keep fast - they only turn well above 170mph
4 climb at 95% throttle to avoid overheating
5 set convergence to 250 with the 7.7mm - get real close when you fire
6 best to get behind a fighter before you fire - avoid convergence shots
7 avoid bombers EC3 and up
8 go easy on those controls, use your rudder
9 -5 to 7 elevator -3 to 4 rudder trim at 1000m
10 roll before a dive to avoid carb problems
11 never ever keep pulling in a turn, blip it... she keeps turning, think about your next move.
12 check 6 every 2-4 seconds
13 avoid dog fights with more than 1 plane.. run away
14 70% throttle for take off.. no flaps
15 flaps rip off above 150mph
16 your 7.7mm mg's are crap.. it make take a few attempts on you foe.. be aware of other aircraft coming to help your foe
17 if you using the 20mm hispanos 400m convergence (if you using any with a mix of both go back to 250m and get close)

Hope this helps someone out there.. The flight model is so broken it heart breaking.
I'm getting upto 10 kills a EC match, but it's hard work, I have to be alot more careful than say a zero/p47/g55/bf109.

Blue skies and tail winds x


God bless the Anzacs. Even Rommel said that if he needed someone to take Hell it would be the Anzacs and to hold it would be the Kiwis. Subbed.


The F Mk IX is so nice. One of my all time favourites to fly in, I'm so happy I got a camo for it from one of the warbond camo boxes


Love that Belgum Spitfire with clipped wings...its a demon plane...


Thank you for posting this spit flyer I am just about to finish researching this plane, perfect timing lol thanks 🙏


"It's like an aeroplane version of a t-pose" this episodes random line


vets always claimed the mk.IX was the best spit. so its historical accurate


*LF* and *HF* is all about the _supercharger._ On LF craft, the supercharger has a smaller impeller (that's the rotating blades that do the actual pressurizing), and it is geared for altitudes under 5k feet. The HF (I believe) has the same impeller as the F, but it is geared for altitudes over *25k* feet(!) LF superchargers tended to be Single-stage (how many times the air charge was compressed) with 1 or 2 Speeds (alt. settings); F & HF had Double-stage with 2-3 Speeds.


I love this plane so much Its so balanced and fun to fly with I genuinely enjoy flying this plane along with the early seafires
