Data Doesn't Always Tell The Truth | Snowflake CEO Sridhar Ramaswamy

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For Snowflake CEO Sridhar Ramaswamy, building Neeva revealed a fundamental challenge in the “intent vs. action” conundrum.

On paper, privacy seemed to be a priority—survey data and feedback strongly indicated user demand.

But when it came to actual adoption, the story was starkly different.

The gap between what people claim to care about and what they act on was significant.

It’s a classic behavioral disconnect—stated preferences rarely align with real-world actions.

Technically, this cognitive dissonance complicates scaling product-market fit, where intent alone doesn’t drive engagement.

Despite extensive data sampling, the projected user adoption didn’t materialize.

In this episode of Grit, Sridhar explains why building around user intent requires deeper scrutiny, especially when there’s a gap between belief and execution.
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