Quantum Leap Secret 🤫 Manifest a Person Fast

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Quantum leaping happens all the time. We don’t even notice when it happens. Manifesting is learning how to do at will.
This simply requires you to gain awareness, (because you cannot change what you are not aware of) and adopt new beliefs regarding the universe and what makes things come about.

I teach you how to quantum leap and manifest your specific person.

Once you learn how to quantum leap, you can use that ability at will, to manifest anything. Even your specific person.

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1. 7 Steps to Instant Consistent Manifestation
2. Change Your Belief 101
3. Manifest Consistent Commitment
4. Manifesting Pleasure With Pleasure
5. Supernatural Life: Base Lesson
6. Supernatural Life: March Lesson 1
7. That Girl Who Has Everything Base Lesson
8. That Girl Who Has Everything Lesson 1
9. The Luckiest Girl Base Lesson
10. The Luckiest Girl Lesson 1
11. The One: Base Lesson
12. The One: Lesson 101
13. 24 Hours to a Brand New You
14. A Labor of Love
15. The Expansion Technique
16. Change Your Life in 3 Days (Seminar)
17. Taming the beast
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The question is ALWAYS “How?” And “How” is a practice. You have to practice brainwashing yourself into GOOD manifestational habits that will help you quantum leap when and see the opportunities to do so 😉
I created Tier 1 of my university of magnetism to help you do just that!!

Quantum leap & Join here-

Gain immediate access to:
-Live practices every Sunday
-Live access to a new course every every month
-Manifesting Buddy Chat
*Community Support & Chat Groups
*Navigational Support

1. 7 Steps to Instant Consistent Manifestation
2. Change Your Belief 101
3. Manifest Consistent Commitment
4. Manifesting Pleasure With Pleasure
5. Supernatural Life: Base Lesson
6. Supernatural Life: March Lesson 1
7. That Girl Who Has Everything Base Lesson
8. That Girl Who Has Everything Lesson
9. The Luckiest Girl Base Lesson
10. The Luckiest Girl Lesson 1
11. The One: Base Lesson
12. The One: Lesson 101
13. 24 Hours to a Brand New You
14. A Labor of Love
15. The Expansion Technique
16. Change Your Life in 3 Days (Seminar)
17. Taming the beast


This happened Tuesday to me on the 21st. I let my mom get my concealer not knowing that I was planning on wearing makeup that day. But I remained calmed and realized my mom had extra concealer in her closet in one of her storage drawers. My makeup ended up coming out perfect!

No need to react negativitly, when there’s already solutions!


I love transmuting forces. That’s how you do it!!! I’m glad your look came out ✨


You don’t actually need makeup though ❤️ you’re gonna look good no matter what


Love quantum leaping!! Life is empty and meaningless! We are MEANING MAKING MACHINES!!! There’s what happens to us in life and the meaning we give it. Always. The story we make up about what happened. I find being aware that life is empty and meaningless gives you the opportunity to quantum leap so easily! It doesn’t HAVE TO BE! IT JUST IS! Realize being aware that life is empty and meaningless sets you free from attachment!! When you think less, observe your thoughts, chant whatever it is for you, your dreams will come into fruition! If we are not laughing at everything that is happening to us in life, we are missing the cosmic joke! 😂 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hey Jasss...I love your meditation but can you make a meditation only for a Ethereal and Irresistible Queen..I mean add only affirmation about her(not for sp but purely for her)more like self concept...if you can make it would be great....Thankyou jass


How to stop feeling I'm forcing my sp to love me, even though I'm pretty sure he has feelings for me anyway. I always get sad like "why do I have to force someone to love me, I'm worthy of someone simply loving me cause I'm amazing" and I get angry at him even thought he really had been confirming to my affirmations regularly and literally he finally mentioned moving in here... Why can't I just appreciate it and not be anxious


ok this makes more sense now. I do this a lot. Did not know that I was already transcending circumstances and quantum leaping, lol.


Hi Jasmine, could you do the next meditation videos around “you are “ instead of “I am”? I feel like “ you are “ works better


Excellent simple explanation!! Thank you!


You're simply D BEST 👌✨️✨️✨️❤️ Happy Easter. Cheers from Stockholm 🇸🇪


I love your videos! Can you create a meditation to manifest sp when it’s long distance or manifest traveling to them ❤


Your makeup 💄 is perfect 😍 girl plus you’re just damnnnn beautiful 😻 Steve is a lucky 🍀 man ❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


Hello @Manifest fast with Jasmine
Can you suggest a video for me to use to manifest sp back? One that I can use all the way through for wish fulfilled/end state? Please. Its very overwhelming.


You'd probably look amazing without any makeup, tbh.


Hello. A woman from Arizona has made a tarot reading of you on her channel, weird world of Erika. Just wanted to let you know


Can you please make a Remove third party overnight affirmation video's from a guys perspective for this girlfriend, your videos work for so many yet they always have "he, him, his" in affirmations. I don't want to lose my girlfriend and this 3rd party situation is increasing


Jasmine, what meditation should I use for weight loss? Thanks!


Even bad tarot card readings don't matter in manifesting?
