My man just threw some crystal meth in there for that extra kick skateboardp
My man just threw some crystal meth in there for that extra kick
Substitute sprite for sparkling water, grapes are sweet enough if in season turnright
Substitute sprite for sparkling water, grapes are sweet enough if in season
MOREL- 'Use black gloves ....and everything turns delicious '😂 unaistt
MOREL- 'Use black gloves ....and everything turns delicious '😂
No way that skin purréd into the juice bigcheese
No way that skin purréd into the juice
Something doesn't look right. Grapes don't blend to be a green liquid like that. There was no fiber of the grapes or anything Yoursoul
Something doesn't look right. Grapes don't blend to be a green liquid like that. There was no fiber of the grapes or anything
What i took away from this video. Blended grapes.. flushed it down the toilet. Bought sprite and green juice, mix. Cool. Yiiino
What i took away from this video. Blended grapes.. flushed it down the toilet. Bought sprite and green juice, mix. Cool.
Title : how to make an unhealthy grape juice MohanRaj-zbek
Title : how to make an unhealthy grape juice
2 sleeps till christmas with this drink lmao Nels_
2 sleeps till christmas with this drink lmao
Mutagen on the rocks. A healthy drink for all us ninja turtles Quezo
Mutagen on the rocks. A healthy drink for all us ninja turtles
so we’re just gonna skip over that one grape that he left out vell
so we’re just gonna skip over that one grape that he left out
It tastes like Capri-sun! Interesting!! 🥤 marvinrichardduran
It tastes like Capri-sun! Interesting!! 🥤
If that’s added sugar then that’s gonna be ridiculously sweet. Too sweet. If it’s ice then fine. lengman
If that’s added sugar then that’s gonna be ridiculously sweet. Too sweet. If it’s ice then fine.
Those the greenist green green green graps I ever seen 😮😮 jojibqv
Those the greenist green green green graps I ever seen 😮😮
जब भी ऐसा ऐसा खाने पीने की चीजे देखता हूं बस ऐसा लगता है खाने के लिए जिओ और कुछ ना रखा जिंदगी मै 😊😊 prashantchaudhary
जब भी ऐसा ऐसा खाने पीने की चीजे देखता हूं बस ऐसा लगता है खाने के लिए जिओ और कुछ ना रखा जिंदगी मै 😊😊
Bro thaught us how to make vine, like no one ever could. vedant
Bro thaught us how to make vine, like no one ever could.
I do this with most fruit, it's a great refresher after a hot summer day tgibbs
I do this with most fruit, it's a great refresher after a hot summer day
Upload bloopers and weird tasted food reaction you cooked because always you guys are smile when taste the food so... 😊😊 priyasakthi
Upload bloopers and weird tasted food reaction you cooked because always you guys are smile when taste the food so... 😊😊
He dropped Magic School Buses in the juice 🤣😂🥴😌 jamesbeadlejr
He dropped Magic School Buses in the juice 🤣😂🥴😌
That’s a tasty looking laxative right there- IMeanIGuessWhatevs
That’s a tasty looking laxative right there-
Let's take a moment and bow are heads for the grape that got away. tdenzel
Let's take a moment and bow are heads for the grape that got away.