Emerging contextual evidence on the role of STI in the fight against COVID-19|Nora Ndege

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Brief Background
The COVID-19 presents a greater global challenge with detrimental health and socioeconomic impacts. Throughout the fight against the COVID-19, the world has relied on Science Technology and Innovation (ST&I) as a frontline source of ideas and actions. The key facets of STI have been applied in different ways to combat COVID-19 including medical solutions, awareness creation and information dissemination towards behaviour change.

This seminar series is part of the preparatory seminars organized around the three conference themes: Cities and Resilience; Science Technology and Innovation and Climate Action and Sustainable Energy. The themes are critical areas for Africa’s transition to sustainable developed economies in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Expected outputs include harnessing the applications of ST&I, beyond the pandemic documented as a blog, which is linked to relevant book chapters under the ST&I theme.

Knowledge Systems and Innovation(KSI)
Science Technology and Innovation(STI)
Governance-of-Socio-Technical-Transformation (GoST)
The Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN)
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