Can't believe he caught John Cena akkayeps
Can't believe he caught John Cena
this is about sending a messege😂😂😂 the messege not delivered😂😂😂 sun_wukong
this is about sending a messege😂😂😂 the messege not delivered😂😂😂
They are just trying to tell Kuro that, not only NIGMA made mistake. meck_missile
They are just trying to tell Kuro that, not only NIGMA made mistake.
And I thought my darkseer was the worst 😂 ronniejohn
And I thought my darkseer was the worst 😂
Truly insane such high level competition. Pleb.Destroyer
Truly insane such high level competition.
omg, Kuroky still playing dota2? Or it's Jr citygarden
omg, Kuroky still playing dota2? Or it's Jr
He caught Riki, Nyx, Bounty Hunter, Clinkz, Weaver. leoy.
He caught Riki, Nyx, Bounty Hunter, Clinkz, Weaver.
This is the level of competition NIGMA has nowadays ROFL TheWay
This is the level of competition NIGMA has nowadays ROFL
mena server has 4 teams. one is this and nigma still cant qualift guy-rkjj
mena server has 4 teams. one is this and nigma still cant qualift
:D:::D:D bruh that's the music from Shrek, wp LibraryLich
:D:::D:D bruh that's the music from Shrek, wp
that's why dota make player got a brain damage josephshandyharvian
that's why dota make player got a brain damage