'Firefighter's Creed' by Vijay Singh

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December 8, 2017
University of Toledo
Men's Chorus
Brad Pierson, Conductor
Moises Salazar, Chime
Kyle Kissner, Trumpet
"Firefighter's Creed" by Vijay SIngh

When we began work on this piece in the fall of 2017, we had no way of predicting the devastation that would be caused by the fires raging in southern California. We are humbled and honored to dedicate this performance to the Men and Women of CAL FIRE and first responders everywhere who help to keep our country safe.

We fight to keep our country green
In lands we know and parts unseen
We fight a foe we do not fear
We carry on when flames are near.

We carry saw, we carry spade
To save the lands the Creator made
We travel light, we travel far
To quench the flames both first and last.

My brothers all have hearts of stone
We fight together but not alone
In canyons deep and mountains tall
We fight the flames, we give our all.

We slay the flames, we slay the fire
We do not tarry, we do not tire
We breathe the ash and soot and smoke
Our spirit's strong, we can’t be broke
Our spirit's strong, we can’t be broke.

My comrades all, sad news to tell
We lost some Brothers in the burning hell
My eyes do sting as I try to weep
I pray their souls the Creator keep.

Please tell my mother and tell my wife
I chose this duty, chose this life
My spirit’s strong as my body cease
My soul’s unfettered, my soul’s at peace
My soul’s unfettered, my soul’s at peace.

We fight to keep our country green
In lands we know and parts unseen
We fight a foe we do not fear
We carry on when flames are near
We carry on when flames are near.
Рекомендации по теме

As a member of the CWU Men's Choir that debuted this song, I salute you. Well done gentlemen.
