INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Scientometrics Methods to increase impact and visibility of research
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Você esta assistindo uma palestra da 1º International Conference da U.Experience, vinculada ao 6º Congresso Internacional do Grupo Educacional UNIS.
TEMA DA PALESTRA: Scientometrics Methods to increase impact and visibility of research.
PAIS: Romênia
UNIVERSIDADE: Transilvania University of Brasov
CARGO: Professora
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#InternationalConferenceUExperience #CongressoInternacionalGrupoUnis
Você esta assistindo uma palestra da 1º International Conference da U.Experience, vinculada ao 6º Congresso Internacional do Grupo Educacional UNIS.
TEMA DA PALESTRA: Scientometrics Methods to increase impact and visibility of research.
PAIS: Romênia
UNIVERSIDADE: Transilvania University of Brasov
CARGO: Professora
Mas atenção! Você conseguirá validar a sua participação nesta palestra apenas durante a data e horário que a mesma está programada para acontecer, posteriormente este prazo, infelizmente não será possível validar a sua presença, OK?
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#InternationalConferenceUExperience #CongressoInternacionalGrupoUnis
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Scientometrics Methods to increase impact and visibility of research
Workshop on 'Introduction to Scientometrics'
Responsible scientometrics: All of the questions; none of the answers
The Science of Scientometrics, Data Viz, and VOSviewer [with timestamps]
COLLNET-2015: Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS)
Visualising plural mappings of science for Sustainable Development Goals
Peer Review vs Scientometric Research Assessment
International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics | Wikipedia audio article
COLLNET-2015: Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS)Part 2
Lecture 2. Scientometrics
Scientometrics using Scielo in Big Query (II), by Alysson Fernandes Mazoni
Research Integrity, trust Markers and Forensic Scientometrics
Scientometrics Mapping in Citation Analysis
FAQs on Scientometrics by Prof. Kishor Patwardhan
Subject Domain Models of Jurisprudence According to Google Scholar Scientometrics Data
ARPIT IITD Week 14: Scientometrics & Altmetrics: Trends & issues - Bidyarathi Dutta
Lecture on 'Scientometrics (Part-1) (Journal-level metrics)' by Prof. Kishor Patwardhan
Who am I, and who are you, and who are we? A Scientometric Analysis of Gender and Geography in HCI
[DSC 4.0] Extracting keywords from texts - Sanda Martincic Ipsic
Webinar: OpenAlex and VOSViewer: Uniting to enable free, easy, and high-quality research analytics
Eleventh International Conference (COLLNET 2015) 27-11-2015
IEG WECAST LIVE: (Day - 3) Welcome to the Eleventh International Conference (COLLNET 2015)
What does scientometrics mean?
Research funding and scientific performance