Christopher Willard, PsyD - What Is Mindfulness? (Growing Up Mindful)

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The American Psychological Association’s 2014 survey on stress made an alarming discovery: America’s teens are now the most stressed-out age group in the country. Growing Up Mindful: Essential Practices to Help Children, Teens, and Families Find Balance, Calm, and Resilience (on sale June 2016) shows parents and professionals alike how to model and teach the skills of mindfulness that will empower our youth for the rest of their lives with greater self-awareness, resiliency, and confidence.

While many adults now understand how mindfulness practice helps us alleviate the stress and anxiety of our busy modern lives, getting a typical teenager on board is another story. Dr. Christopher Willard draws on his work with hundreds of young children, tweens, and teens—along with countless hours training parents, teachers, and other counselors—to make the principles and practices of
mindfulness accessible, entertaining, and cool for people of all ages and interests. Growing Up Mindful features dozens of exercises to incorporate mindfulness into daily life (in class, extracurricular activities, among peers), specific meditations and movement practices, compassion training, and more.

“Teaching children to check in with, rather than check out of, their experience builds emotional intelligence, leading to happier kids and families,” says Dr. Willard.


“A helpful manual to introducing secular mindfulness practices to
children and teens, as well as their parents.”
—Publishers Weekly

“A wonderful approach to learning mindfulness—full of great skills, practical tools, and enormously helpful wisdom.”
—Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart

“Growing up Mindful is filled with wisdom and expert guidance in sharing the blessings ofmindfulness with young people. Drawing on his vast experience as teacher, clinician and
practitioner, Chris Willard provides the kind of practical, doable exercises and reflections that will help you bring mindfulness alive in all the situations of daily life.”
—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge

Paperback Book
Contents (241 pages)
Date Published June 01, 2016
ISBN-10 1-62203-590-9
ISBN-13 978-1-62203-590-8
Dimensions 6 x 9 inches
Product Code BK04652


Contents 3 CDs (2 hours, 57 minutes)
Date Published June 01, 2016
ISBN-10 1-62203-601-8
ISBN-13 978-1-62203-601-1
Dimensions 5 1/2 x 4 3/4 inches
Product Code AW04653D
CE Credits
Contents 3 CE credits
Date Published April 19, 2016
Product Code CE05058

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