Dean Cain -- I'm Rooting for Ray Rice ... He's Not a Terrible Person | TMZ Sports

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Dean Cain tells TMZ Sports he "hopes" Ray Rice gets another shot in the NFL -- 'cause even though he messed up, Cain says Rice has done some AMAZING things for people behind the scenes.

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Dean Cain -- I'm Rooting for Ray Rice ... He's Not a Terrible Person | TMZ Sports
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He says it's "an unfortunate situation" referring to Ray getting caught and punished. The real unfortunate situation is people like this guy are ok with beating women. He's basically saying it's no big deal.


There goes all my respect and admiration for you as an actor and a regular person, Dean Cain!


Dean Cain for Commissioner of NFL! Give Ray Rice a chance.


Wow!! What happened to Superman? He used to protect women in distress. Now he's on the side of a batterer.


"I don't think they should change the rules after something happens" - That's deep buddy. They should change rules before something happens, that's why they have all those crystal balls.


I'm rooting for Ray also. I'm a Dallas fan but when I was traveling to California from NJ he was on my flight and sat right next to me!! Pretty cool guy, very respectful and funny. Terrible thing he did but the media is making it worse than it is.


Yes she was in the wrong for slapping him, and still being with him but it does not justify him punching her; knocking her out then dragging her unconscious body without care and probably would of gotten away with it if it were not for the bystander...


Dean, I think you meant he has done some AMAZING things TO people behind the scenes.


Yeah I totally hope his playing days aren't over because athletes should a adored because they kick balls and throw them as well. And totally, he is a great guy because he plays sports. You just need to be a celebrity and I am completely OK with you. I completely agree with the fact that it is unfortunate that there was cameras in that elevator. I think all athletes should be able to do what they want since I live vicariously through them because I am terrible at sports myself. I like to support a team, and then get into competitions with my friend's teams even though we have nothing to do with the teams. It makes me feel better about myself when I support a team that wins, even though I played no role in it's success. Also, when I devote myself to sports, I do not need to have hobbies myself or be good at anything. I really hope he keeps punch woman and running with balls so I can be mildly entertained throughout my monotonous life of mediocrity.


You know... I'll never understand this. I come across stuff like this all the time where people are clearly shown to be in the wrong and people jump up to defend them.

First and foremost, if you can't handle your alcohol THEN DON'T FUCKING

Ray Rice is a professional athlete with a level of conditioning that made his actions COMPLETELY unnecessary. He could have restrained her til the elevator was open and got away. She wasn't armed and didn't pose a real threat.

We keep talking about how he lost his job. He was a professional athlete and if he's not already set for life then he's financially irresponsible. Millions of people make it on far less money their entire lives than he made in a year. Anyone who thinks that's even close to a valid defense is deplorable at the very least. He's a role model and I don't care how much you bitch about it. HE CHOSE TO BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER and therefore CHOSE to be in the spotlight with everything he does! Kids look up to and aspire to be these athletes. This is not the example he should be setting.

She deserved it? Not a public problem... she was knocked out in a god damn elevator!! I hope, for those of you that have daughters, you remember that when your daughter ends up in a situation like this. If you're lucky your daughter will have a neighborhood and police department that thinks just like you so that she can get beat or knocked out in the privacy of her own home OR IN A PUBLIC ELEVATOR all she wants. Hell she was probably out of line right?? Someone might actually call the cops but they be like "Nah sorry! That's a private issue. Not a public one! A public elevator... well that's still none of our business. Have fun getting knocked out!"

Those of you saying we have the best justice system in the world should do a little research and you'll see we're not even in the top ten for any statistic report you find. One source with a 2014 midyear crime index report has us at 85th in the world!! Then you look at all the crap cops are getting away with these days and I guess you really start to see just how great we are huh. Most of the time they get away with a slap on the hand. "Best justice system in the world", WHO ARE YOU KIDDING??

I love my country. Our potential is still there but to sit here and pretend that I live in the greatest country in the world would be a joke of pure arrogance! We have fallen! I hope we pick ourselves back up soon... smh


You don't get paid $35 million dollars just to play a game.  Everyone knows by now that if you want the big money, you have to appear squeaky clean in the media, do great philanthropic works, etc.  Basically, you have to cultivate your "role model" status to further your team.  I'm sure Ray Rice isn't a completely horrible person - most people have some redeeming qualities.  But, he's clearly a fucked up one who needs a lot of counseling.  And yes, he should absolutely lose his job over this.  A wife abuser certainly doesn't help a team garner fan support.  Also, he obviously should have been punished from the get go.  That lack of accountability is currently being addressed.  Ray Rice isn't a victim.


OK, who's going to argue with Superman?




The NFL is all of a sudden the moral barometer for everyone!?!  This situation is crazy and unfortunate for Ray and his wife.  Domestic violence isn't a public issue.  She didn't press charges AND she went on to marry him.  Why do we care what they do in their personal life? 


So if you don't get caught committing a crime (theft, murder, embezzlement, etc.), it's OK to have committed the crime, which also includes intentional, physical bodily harm. No Big Deal, even when the video emerges for the whole world to see! YEAH!!! RIGHT!!!


people that are saying she's a gold digger now she is going to leave....he has 25 million guaranteed on his contract that has to be paid


Can't have loose cannons like that running around as role models, no matter how talented they may be.
Men who use their physical strength to beat on women certainly do not deserve millions of dollars a year.


So his ability to run the skin of an animal into an end zone is far more important than the fact that the man knocks women around. Men were created to protect women, and apparently football players are above this because they run or tackle well enough to make money? Yeah, no.


Uh....yeah, he is a terrible person. He knocked his girl out and then just stood there...


I think all NFL players need to take mandatory anger management classes and learn to meditate.
