Medical Card dah kena Co-Payment?! [Takaful] Korang dah Ready?

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Korang tahu tak mulai 1 September 2024, setiap syarikat Takaful dan insurans dekat Malaysia ini kena sediakan plan medical card yang menggunakan konsep pembayaran bersama ataupun co-payment. Itu yang korang selalu dengarkan? Okay okay. So what is is this co-payment?

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Takaful hibah dan medical card
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00:00 Intro
00:53 Apa itu Co-Payment?
02:46 Tujuan Co-Payment
04:27 Siapa yang terkesan?
05:35 Apa itu repricing?
07:45 Full coverage vs Co-Payment
09:23 Kesimpulan

#financialfaiz #takaful #insurance

Medical Card dah kena Co-Payment?! [Takaful] Korang dah Ready?
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Duit Aku, Hidup Aku!
Beli buku Financial Faiz pertama di Shopee!

ASB Financing
Melabur di dalam ASB menggunakan financing!

Takaful hibah dan medical card
Dapatkan perlindungan diri dan keluarga!


*Video yang bagus, saya mesti katakan bahawa hidup saya telah berubah selepas beberapa percubaan yang gagal apabila saya bertemu Donald Nathan Scott. Kini pemilik rumah dan menutup tahun secara beransur-ansur dengan portfolio enam angka.*


Thanks Mr Faiz for your work. I am.sorry I think it is not fair to put the responsibility on patient that was admitted based on the doctor advise. The argument that copayment would discourage insurance abuse is a logical fallacy. The responsibility should be put on the hospitals that were admitting patients in the first place based on their insurance coverage not the needs?


Nk bukak syarikat yang xkan rugi bukak insurance company.


Haritu sakit tulang blakang pegila spital..pastu hospital suruh warded sbb nk cek2 yg lain2 isu..aku xrsa perlu pun warded.. dh kena warded stu mlm.. bt test bagai..skali test xde apa2 pun result test tu..and test2 tu aku rsa xrelated pun dgn issue aku.. bamm kena 4k.. aku dpt ubat patch muscle dgn pain killer.. so skrang ni spa yg eksploit insurance spa ni.. kita ke spital..?


im working in medical field...what can i say is that the root cause is from the private hospitals themselves, in which they charge a ridiculous amount of bills...and most of it goes to the hospital itself, ie. the board/investors/owners...and a small percentage goes to the doctor in-charge.. and yes, the private docs only receive a small percentage of the overall charges...
BNM should in fact have some control over the charging/bills by the private hospital..
implications: people will flooding gov hospital that already 'sesak' and in turn will worsen the situation..and the rakyat will suffer...


Istilah "Co-Payment" ini merupakan kiasan halus agar orang umum batalkan sahaja langganan sekiranya bijaksana.
Syarikat yang memberi khidmat Kad Perubatan ini tidak boleh secara terus-terang cakap dengan kesat "Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan batalkan sahaja langganan kalau tidak puas hati" sebab ini adalah tidak sopan. Jadi, apa yang mereka buat ialah, dengan mengadakan istilah pembayaran lebihan baru iaitu "Co-Payment".
Hidup kita kena bijaksanasini, apabila permintaan mengurang pasti mereka akan bubarkan istilah "Co-Payment". Bukan "Boikot" cuma kita sebagai pelanggan ambil langkah kawalan bijak.


En Faiz, tolong banyakkan lagi short video mcm ni instead of podcast. sy lebih suka short advice berbanding podcast.. sebab podcast berjeler2 kadang meleret.

Thank you.



aku syak yg kerja BNM ni ada jawatan kt insurance company jugak takpun agenda politik. harey betul.


SABDA RASULULLAH SAW - "Siapa Yg Menyebut Bismillah amantu billahi tawak'kal tu'alallah, la haula wala quwwata illa billahi 'alliyyil 'adziim, Nescaya tidak ada satu pun yang memudaratkannya" BACA TIAP KALI NAK MELANGKAH KELUAR RUMAH❤


Patutunya regulate caj2 yg terlampu oleh hospital dan doktor. Bila ada insurans, hospital dan doktor akan claim sebanyak mungkin sampai yh tak perlu pun diorang buat. Cuba kau bayar cash, mesti ada beza.
Kereta rosak ada valuer, orang rosak main caj saje


In a way, we can also assume that ini strategy utk kayakan lagi syarikat insurance. Bila ramai org reluctant nak g private hospital, kurang la penggunaan tabungan tu, padahal setiap bulan end user tetap mencarum. So meroket la kekayaan depa ni.

BNM pun kena la transparent terangkan kenapa co-payment ni di buat.


Masalah sebenarnya..bila ada insuran bukan tinggi Kos Yang dicaj terutama pihak hospital swasta. Pernah diberitahu operate cataract..harga bayar sendiri lebih jauh murah dari harga kalau guna card medical. Disebabkan ni pihak hospital swasta dah biasa caj tinggi2 Bab ramai guna insurance. Semua rawatan X setimpal Kos ...patut Ada standard ceiling price untuk setiap rawatan atau perubatan yg pesakit boleh rujuk. Kadar lawatan doctor jenguk/pantau beberapa minit pun jadi beratus2 ringgit sekali. 😅


Macam kelakar kan En Faiz?

Hospital yang kata "Ooo treatment ni optional tapi you kena buat, " and as a result pesakit pula yang menanggung akibat.

Hospital yang buat prosedur 'optional' ataupun dalam bahasa kasar prosedur yang tak perlu pun sebenarnya - senang hati duit masuk.

This move would likely cause further gap in the wealth between the wealthy and the poor.

People would start flooding Government hospital again because they could no longer afford the healthcare cost.

Government now has to bear the increased cost.

And KKM that is already on its way to collapsing with increased workload but reduced workforce would likely reach such a point sooner.

Great move by BNM 👏👏👏


In my case, my insurance is full coverage. Monthly memang mahal. My cancer treatment and operation lebih 200k yr 2015. Sekarang mesti more expensive. Fully covered. Roughly from the day I started my insurance sampai I kena cancer, total I paid was less than 30k. Kalau ada co payment, banyak jugak kena fork up cash. Imagine brain cancer treatment masa tu is more than 500k. So kalau ikut minimum 5% co payment kena bayar about 25k. If co payment is more, kena bayar lebih la. It’s a choice. Either bayar monthly sikit and simpan monthly as prep to pay your share in future or bayar banyak monthly. Or guna credit card haha. End up paying more on interest.


Kenapa tk ada option untuk org yg tk pernah claim, kita semua ada pengetahuan bukan otak kosong, kita faham ini adalah tabungan bersama dh tk pernah fikir rugi sbb tk claim lansung selama 30tahun sbb sihat (Alhamdulillah).. kita anggap monthly contributions as part of membantu sesama kpd yg memerlukan, tpi klu next term kita pula nk di " slaughter " elok tk payah letak manusia berakal dlm satu² institusi, letak sahaja 1 org zionist maka senang nk capai KPI sbb zionist kan tk pernah fikir kemanusiaan..

"Please Be human in whatever you do"


Good comparison Mr Faiz, tapi insurance/ takaful company kena consider org yg sebelum ni x pernah guna med card diorg. Maybe boleh introduce NCD to those yg x pernah guna med card, instead of repricing jer. Another issue is private hospitals also need to be held accountable for the medical inflation due to their frequently "overcharged" bills.


Kapitalis charge.
Diperbodohkan oleh syarikat insuran/takaful sahaja.


There should be a product for unclaimed policy holder. It is not fair that they increase the premium in a blanket while the insurance company had took out our premium upfront N years back, the money value is decreasing and the value of our premier paid was so much higher.


Masalah nye...setiap bulan ke org nak pg claim insurance....kena consider sape yg tak pernah claim xdak co takaful....Tu 1 hal...kenaikan 3thn skali 1 hal ada. 2 benda yg tak ok skg ni..
