The MOST Regretted Degrees (2021)

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First of all, let me make it clear I am not attacking the Most Regretted College Degrees or Most Regretted College majors in this video. Neither am I discouraging you with the College Degree or College major that you already have. That’s your choice and I am not forcing anyone to avoid their passion even if it’s what I called out as one of the worst majors, one of the most regretted degrees, one of the most useless college degrees, or as one of the most worthless college degrees ever in America, No!

This video was designed in some way, to inform and educate people, especially the young generation, the teens, the upcoming college students, the future university students to choose a college degree wisely and make sure they are not choosing a broad degree or a degree that’s too general that they might regret in the future.

The second point, the mindset for most people, is that the reason for getting a college degree is just to be educated. Totally respect that! But for the majority, getting a college degree is like their golden ticket to success and finding a good paying job could be one of their priorities. It might be the biggest fear for many people to graduate and not get hired in the field that they studied for years in college. Thus, making most people regret their college degree or college major.

If you came from a wealthy family, of course you might not have any reason to regret whatever college degree or college major you choose. But for the common American teen, who will be faced with Student loans, student debts, college loans, and all those things that will put someone’s Personal Finance in the red, avoiding degrees that are too general, impractical, and worthless might be the wisest thing to do.

Now If you love your Education degree, teaching is your passion and you already expect that it doesn't pay well in most cases, then that’s fine. If you love your English degree even though it has been called out one too many times as one of the most regretted college degrees, then again, that’s fine! The majority of people watching this are just about to enter college and they want to be educated on what useless college degrees to avoid.

ees that have the lowest unemployment rate.

That’s all for now! I hope you guys enjoyed the video.
These videos are for entertainment purposes only and they are just Shane's opinion based off of his own life experience and the research that he's done. Shane is not an attorney, CPA, insurance, or financial advisor and the information presented shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, safety or financial advice. If stocks or companies are mentioned, Shane might have an ownership interest in them. Affiliate links may be present, the offers and numbers presented may change over time so please make sure to confirm that the offer is still valid. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or they have been changed. Please don’t make buying or selling decisions based on Shane’s videos. If you need such advice, please contact the qualified legal or financial professionals, don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.

Sources and further readings for jobs and college degrees:
payscale(provides information on jobs and degrees)
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Communication majors make some of the best Starbucks employees.


Keep the valuable videos coming Shane! We got viewers that are still in highschool who are relying on these videos. You are doing them a big favor!


I'm a CS grad and got a job in cybersecurity. I'm enjoying my career and it's developing very nicely for me, thanks to hard work and to God. I do not regret my degree.


No hate comments people! Shane is just being honest and helping us out. Showin some love, I Tapped like.. oh no! I smashed it


You're spot on Shane about biological and physical sciences. As a final yr student of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, not many good jobs are available at fresh graduate entry. In fact, I am deciding a specialised area in any medicine discipline as my master's degree. Honest opinion, Biomedical Sciences is much better as the effort isn't solely on memorising chemistry knowledge. But if being a chemist interests you, P.Chem definitely rewards you jobs in the research field. Hope my insight clarifies a little. All the best guys!!


Majored in Japanese. Completely regret it. Never did anything with it. I wanted to change majors in college, but by then it was too late (I was too far in and it would take 1-2 years to change to something more useful for me). I struggled finding work. If I could do it over again, I would do something technology-related (though not computer science... I just don't have a mathematical mind, lol). But a degree is a degree, even if it's useless to me. Wish I could afford to go back to college, but sadly I cannot. : (


I wasted 4 years on an English degree and truly regretted it :( . I wish I had not shied away from maths or physics and had had enough courage to pursue an engineering or finance degree.


What I learned from this video was that (for the most part) you can learn soft skills by yourself (blogging, YouTube channel) but go to college to learn the hard skills.


I'm not sure how it is in the USA, but for a Social Sciences degree, things are a bit different in Africa ! There are plenty of NGOs (+ the UN) that hire holders of the degree & they usually tend to pay really well, even in international standards ! The major drawback is that you have to travel alot, most especially into extremely rurar places & sometimes even into disaster stricken regions ! 😬🤓


speaking as someone with an MS in biology, the number one problem with the biology BS isn't so much the frequency as the material: most programs teach to a pre-med curriculum, training doctors, not scientists. So you don't get the skills you really need to do the job until grad school. Especially math. Most biology majors only require Calculus I, but you really should have up to calculus 3, advanced statistics, and at least a semester of programming in Python or R to be competitive, and ideally linear algebra, differential equations, and another semester or 2 of programming to do cutting edge research, especially because bioinformatics is an exploding field.


This video just motivated me to pursue a degree in English Literature. Thank you, Shane!


Communication degree holder here. don't do it. I'm trying to move into data science. Sboulda done computer science from the beginning, but I wanted easy.

Easy now, hard later. Don't make that mistake.


If you have to pay out of pocket for a PhD you were scammed. With the over abundance of scholarships, fellowships, research and teaching assistantships your degree (in theory) should be paid for. Some even provide a stipend to the PhD student that will ensure that the student is conducting more research for the university and spending less time at another job.


Have you ever discussed criminal justice or forensic science as a major? If so I would love to watch them!


Social sciences is definitely a degree that people have regretted


I’m a senior in hs and your videos have helped me figure out the smartest way to get my degree. I’m going to community college first (fully paid for) then transferring to a public university. Thanks Shane :)


The most painful things about being a communications major is that your teachers tell you that you'll find work after and your friends dont question your major cause no one knows what it actually is


When you’re classmates ask if their teacher like’s their job or really anything about their opinion about their job:😬😬😬


The way that I just started college and I still watch your videos cuz I’m ✨unsure✨
