The Real Reason You Feel So Busy (and What To Do About It) | Dorie Clark | TED

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These days, almost all of us feel pressed for time. Leadership expert Dorie Clark shares three hidden reasons people fall into an endless loop of feeling constantly busy, and invites you to question what really motivates how you spend your time.

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I saved this to my watch later playlist because I was too busy.

But I realised you never "find time" you "make time" to do what matters. Sometimes that needs to be prioritising down time.


Important topic, I've been conditioned to feel guilty when I'm doing nothing and now I'm so bloody tired. I also do probably less than other people.


Excellent talk. In the last little while I have tried to invest my time in strategic thinking to figure out exactly what I want for myself in the next coming years. What would truly make me happy.
Reading many comments from people who don’t relate or don’t get it.

Invest your time wisely life goes by fast people


When It started. I Just couldn't help but to listen "We live in a society"


I was searching for some video to show my students and found this.
Honestly, I've realized that the real reason of my busyness is the desire to numb myself down.
I'm from Ukraine and I'm full of uncertainty about my future and fear for safety of my family. That's the real reason why few months ago I decided to find second job and escape from this endless circle of concerns.
Of course, I persuaded myself that I've done that to improve my skills and archive success but It's a complete lie.
Thank you for your work.


I think we´ve all been in some of those situations, sometimes we have to look from other perspectives in order to realize what´s going on


He was refering to business men, executive and CEO, but there's another reason to be overbusy, the fear to lose your job and the fear of not find another one in a few time. What about those people who isn't executive ones? What about a simply worker exploited in his/her job under the menace to be fired?


Great talk ... Dorie is a remarkable person!


I am 24 years old right now and I didn't want to take the Bs Social way back then but now I appreciate it wholeheartedly because I can feel how it fulfils me🥰


What to do about feeling busy: do nothing.
Paradoxical, I know.


After I watched this video, I came to understand what really happened in life before it was "busy". It can be said based on this video that the real reason there are not 3 things is status, obscurity, and numbness. Status makes a person feel busy, he thinks that he has an important role in something so he continues to focus on that thing. then obscurity, we often want to pursue something unclear doing everything possible to achieve it but we are not on the way to achieving that goal. the last one is numbing busyness into our stress, frustration, other uncontrollable feelings. In fact, the one who controls us is ourselves, we must have priorities in order to achieve what we want. Our busyness and free time are two things that we both determine. We make choices that put ourselves in a position where we are busy and make time for our free time. To decide the real reason being busy is that we have to be honest about what motivates us to make choices, we have to create space to breathe, and space to think. And choose with whom we want time time.


Most important: Long-term strategic thinking
3 main reasons:
1. status
2. uncertainty
3. numbing
suggestion/solution: create a space to think about how we want to live


I know right? Status, Uncertainty, Numbness are very paramount reasons for assuming the ‘Busy’ title.

Great speech sage 👏


Not everyone is ready to hear the truth. For those of you complaining about the quality of this content, I challenge you to go within, dig a little deeper.


Very interesting topic and even more interesting explanation, just by reading the title I'm very interested to watch the video until it's finished, you are well dressed and very expressive making the audience feel comfortable. I was excited to get new information, that busyness had a number of reasons behind it, and on second thought it turned out to be true I did. Choice is indeed something difficult, we must be prepared to take risks to make choices, but it seems that it is indeed better than being stuck in uncertainty. We also have to value ourselves and our time more.


Woww this is interesting! I think this video is related to another Ted Talk video which talk about how to control your free time. Our busyness and free time are two things that we both determine. We making choices that put ourselves in the position where we're busy and make time for our free time. Time is a choice, we better make time for something we'll do than make more time or find another time (postponed it) because time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it.


Life balance!!
Great video.
Thanks Dorie Clark 👏👏👏👏👏


A lot of good points made but the presentation could have been more organized. I also liked how you compared staying busy constantly to drug addiction. It’s very true as both drug addicts and busy people can be using to numb their inner thoughts and problems . And you said too at the end that it’s good to give yourself space to think


I have been working to finish my six-book series. So far, first book of 147, 000 words and 60+ illustrations published in 2021. Second book of 120, 000 words and 100 illustrations will launch over the solstices of 2022. Book three will occur in 2023, and so on.

After that, I'll probably be on my death bed, and that's OK with me. I haven't found much of anything uplifting nor worth getting involved in since around 2018, so... I'm looking forward to dying. Seriously! :) I'm excited about it, and I'll be EXTREMELY glad that I no longer have to suffer anymore.


real reasons that you feel busy: 1) Status 2) Uncertainty 3) Numbing
