Grabenfräse GM 4 Raupe-Einsatz
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Die GM 4 gibt es auch mit Raupenantrieb. Ideal für das Arbeiten auf unwegsamen und steinigem Grund, wobei der Sturz des Fahrwerks auch Bodenunebenheiten ausgleicht. Die GM 4 Raupe wird ebenfalls von einen 4-Zylinder Diesel angetrieben. Sie ist optional mit Führungsrollen für den direkten Kabel- und Rohreinzug erhältlich. Der Aushub kann beidseitig nach rechts oder links ausgeworfen werden und über ein zusätzliches Förderband direkt verladen werden. Die Tilt-Einrichtung gleicht seitliches Gefälle bis 12° Neigung hydraulisch aus. Der Fahrerstand ist nach vorne links versetzbar, womit eine direkte Sicht auf die Fräskette und den Graben möglich ist.
The GM 4 is also available with crawler-type vehicle drive. Ideally for working on hard-to-travel and stony reason, whereby the fall of the chassis adjusts also surface irregularities. The GM 4 crawler-type vehicle is likewise propelled by a 4-Zylinder Diesel. It is optionally available with guiding roles for the direct cable and tubing introduction. The excavation can be ejected reciprocally to the right or left and be shipped directly over an additional conveyor. The Tilt mechanism adjusts lateral downward gradient to 12° inclination hydraulically. The driver stand is forward on the left of shiftable, with which a direct view is possible on the milling chain and the grave. right or left and be shipped directly over an additional conveyor. The Tilt mechanism adjusts lateral downward gradient to 12° inclination hydraulically. The driver stand is forward on the left of shiftable, with which a direct view is possible on the milling chain and the grave.
The GM 4 is also available with crawler-type vehicle drive. Ideally for working on hard-to-travel and stony reason, whereby the fall of the chassis adjusts also surface irregularities. The GM 4 crawler-type vehicle is likewise propelled by a 4-Zylinder Diesel. It is optionally available with guiding roles for the direct cable and tubing introduction. The excavation can be ejected reciprocally to the right or left and be shipped directly over an additional conveyor. The Tilt mechanism adjusts lateral downward gradient to 12° inclination hydraulically. The driver stand is forward on the left of shiftable, with which a direct view is possible on the milling chain and the grave. right or left and be shipped directly over an additional conveyor. The Tilt mechanism adjusts lateral downward gradient to 12° inclination hydraulically. The driver stand is forward on the left of shiftable, with which a direct view is possible on the milling chain and the grave.