Unlocking Artistic Magic: Journey through Abstract Art with Aluminum Foil Texture!

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Immerse yourself in the therapeutic practice of painting. Set aside thoughts of children, work, and everyday worries, and instead, channel your focus into your art. Painting offers a pathway to meditation and inner peace, allowing you to lose yourself in the creative process.

Prepare to be enchanted as we delve into the innovative use of aluminum foil as a texture medium.

Throughout this tutorial, I'll be your guide as we unravel the secrets behind creating a mesmerizing abstract landscape on canvas. From the initial preparation of the surface with matte medium and aluminum foil to the intricate layering of acrylic paints, each step will be a voyage of discovery, filled with insights and inspiration.

Together, we'll explore the interplay of light and texture, harnessing the reflective qualities of aluminum foil to infuse our artwork with depth and dimension. Through experimentation and exploration, we'll unlock the potential of unconventional materials, breathing life into our creations with every brushstroke.

Join me as we celebrate the joy of artistic expression and rediscover the thrill of creativity. Let's embark on this artistic odyssey together, forging new paths and unleashing our imagination in the pursuit of beauty and inspiration.

As many of you in our community are aware, this video marks a significant milestone for us. Today, I'm thrilled to announce that I have officially relocated to Spain, and all future tutorial videos will be filmed from my new studio in Madrid. This move represents an exciting new chapter in my artistic journey, and I'm eager to share this next phase with all of you. Stay tuned for more inspiring content and creative adventures from our new home base in Madrid!

Here's a list of supplies you'll need for this project:

Matte Medium
Aluminum Foil
Acrylic Paints: Ivory Black, Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue, Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Primary Blue, Emerald Green & Turquoise
A touch of Love
Some Creativity
Open Your Mind your not alone, paint with me

Our journey will be divided into chapters, each focusing on a specific stage of the painting process. From laying the foundation with matte medium and aluminum foil to adding layers of color and texture, you'll gain insights and inspiration at every turn.

I'm excited to embark on this artistic adventure with you once again. Let's celebrate the beauty of abstract art and unleash our imagination together!


00:00 Introduction and Showcase of the Final Artwork
00:33 Preparing the Canvas with Matte Medium and Aluminum Foil
03:00 Allowing the Surface to Dry
03:16 Applying the Base Layer of Paint with Ivory Black
06:16 Adding Primary Blue and White to the Composition
07:44 Refining the Composition with Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue
09:27 Incorporating Titanium White and Additional Textural Elements
11:30 Introducing Emerald Green and Turquoise Tones
12:20 Applying Black for Landscape Details with a Sponge
13:39 Enhancing the Composition with Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue
15:03 Balancing Tones and Highlights with Titanium White
16:50 Last touch of Black
17:44 Showcase of the Completed Artwork, Ready to Display

Get ready to unlock your creativity and join me on this artistic journey! Let's make magic together once again.


This video is not sponsored; it has been funded by my own means. The creation of these videos demands a significant investment in terms of time and effort, as I fully engage in each of them. Your support is extremely valuable, so please don't hesitate to like, share, and leave comments. I carefully read all your messages and make an effort to respond to most of them. Of course, I also encourage you to subscribe to my channel and activate notifications to not miss any of my future videos.
For even more content, you can also follow my second channel, Sergio Aranda VLOGS.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to each one of you for your ongoing support. I also want to thank those of you who contribute to creating more content through your donations via YouTube's SuperThanks or by purchasing my Ebook.
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A massive thank you to all of you,

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Vous n'en êtes sans doute pas conscient mais nous apprenons beaucoup à vos côtés ! Merci infiniment !!! ❤


Bravo Senior Aranda. Your art opens a door for me. Thank you


SUPERBE 🤩, j’adore votre façon de nous faire rêver à travers votre magnifique travail. BRAVO ET MERCI 😍😍😍


My dearest Sergio! Sorry if I can't be on time or follow all your wonderful videos during this period, but I have some worries about my dad.
But as always, watching the creation of one of your works always gives me serenity and allows me to immerse myself in an atmosphere of calm and relaxation that I need even more at this moment.
I share with you, when I write, the same sensation of entering a process of abstraction, of meditation, of immersion in something that flows from my being and pours onto paper through words.
But you, Sergio, are a true Artist! Mine is just a passion that I have always cultivated.
Dear Sergio, I am always so fascinated by the techniques you use and the materials, often unusual, at least for a layman like me, like aluminum foil. Which is why, I am even more amazed by the result, always so wonderful, that you obtain thanks to your extraordinary creativity and inspiration. I hug you tightly and wish you all the best. Really, my friend. My like and God bless you! Renata


Ich bin mehr als verzaubert. Eine wirklich schöne Arbeit, die Farbkombi absolut genial. Die Effekte, welche durch die Alufolie entstehen grossartig. Schön, dass du in Spanien angekommen bist. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg❤. Vielen Dank für dieses Video. Ina


Bonjour Sergio, toujours aussi créatif, merci de me donner toujours cette envie de vous suivre et de m'inspirer de vos oeuvres bonne soirée en Espagne, pays que j'aime beaucoup


Très belle toile, les couleurs et textures sont incroyables. J'ai hâte de visiter Madrid en votre compagnie.
Merci, Sergio, et bonne soirée.


Oh how i love this painting Sergio. This painting evokes peace and quiet sitting next to a beautiful little lake. Thank you so much. I needed that this morning! Best regards to you my friend... ❤


Sergio precioso !! Sigo todos tus Videos voy a ponerme a desarrollar este en colores marrones. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia!!!


Deine Art der Kunst inspiriert mich sehr...jetzt muss ich mich nur trauen weiter zu malen und auszuprobieren. Solltest du mal Workshops geben in Madrid...wäre das eine Reise wert. 👍🥰


Coucou sergio ❤j'adore dans cette œuvre l'effet perspective d'ouverture que je retrouve souvent dans tes tableaux une autre signature tes œuvres n'opresse pas cela dégage par cet effet d'ouverture le sentiment de liberté incarne bravo l'artiste à très vite pour ta vidéo de Madrid !!!


Bienvenido a España. Yo te veo desde Valencia.
Ojalá pueda ver alguna exposición tuya.Me encanta tu pintura y vídeos vídeos. 😊


Me encanta tu arte, es impresionante, muchas gracias por compartirlo, un saludo desde Mallorca


Hello dear Sergio!
I was very impressed by this painting.
While watching the video, I felt like I was wandering in a magnificent forest.
You are wonderful, thank you very much for this beautiful sharing.
I embraced it with my love. ❤❤❤


Sempre molto bello. Ciao Sergio, buona serata 👍👍👍👏👏👏👋👋👋


Phantastisch wieder einmal, lieber Sergio! Das Primärblau mit dem Smaragdgrün im Kontrast zu der zurückhaltenden, matter erscheinenden Farbkombination oben ist genau mein Geschmack! Danke fürs Teilen! Liebe Grüße, Bianca


Pán Sergio. Vaša kreativita nemá konca. Úcta a rešpekt. Ďakujem. 😊❤


Coucou Sergio, tel un conte de fée, tu nous as emmené, chapitre après chapitre, couche après couche, dans ton univers où la magie a opéré. Merci pour ce partage et cette belle histoire.🙏😘😘🌸🧚🏻‍♀️


Bonjour mr Sergio je voulais vous dire que votre toile m'inspire une parole de chanson québécoise qui dit, j'ai pour toi un lac quelque part au monde un beau lac tout bleu felicitation c'est magnifique 👌💙💙💙🤗


Bonjour Sergio ❤❤ quel magnifique travail, merci pour cette vidéo. Je vous souhaite plein de belles choses à Madrid. A bientôt Sergio ❤❤❤❤
