Epiphone Casino - Blues Improvisation from The Shockwaves

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Here's another short video by Eric from The Shockwaves playing his Epiphone Casino! This time, unplugged. We call it "Backyard Blues." It's been over a year since he's had it and he can't put it down! We hope you like the video!
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The trustly friendo of all times "the dog" always make a plus when play a gret blues inspiration


Are you plugged into an amp here or just playing acoustically? How's the Feed back with a little grit like a zz top style blues? Looking to possibly go buy this tomorrow. Thanks


How do you make it sound like that? Is it the amp? And what strings?


I love it!
What do you think of the Casino ? It seems yours is the standard one, and it sound good. Lots of people complain about the factory set-up of the guitar (uneven frets, action, intonation), what do you think of it? I'm thinking buying a Casino, but I wouldn't wan a guitar that'd need a fretwork before you can play anything. Also what strings do you use ? As a bass player, I don't feel at ease playing anything thinner than 10s on a guitar.
