What is Vinyl Plank Flooring, & Should I Use it on my High End Project?

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In this Video you'll learn:

1) What "wood look" Vinyl Plank flooring is made up of.
2) Why it was created.
3) What variations exist in the marketplace.
4) Is Vinyl plank a viable option for your high end project?
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Having installed both of these products in our numerous renovation projects, I would have to say we prefer the Vinyl click for the simplicity of going over your square footage just once and your cuts around door opening once, there is far less prep work. With the glue down, you literally cover your square footage three times more. (1)The step of doing lay out of your expensive mahogany substrate, cuts around door openings and all other areas, fastening with all those staple fasteners, then any areas you must address that possibly require leveling, etc. (2) Spreading the glue over your entire square footage, waiting time for glue set up, ( good time for a coffee break haha), then (3)start the entire process over again with, cut and install planks, roll over entire area again with heavy roller, ( as per instructions of some glue down products).Having said all this, great stuff either way for the durability alone and moisture resistant product, can't beat it, especially in a rental.
