Is Your Organization Ready to Implement New Software?

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Organizational readiness is critical for any successful software implementation.

Here's why and how to ensure readiness:

➡️ Why?

If you don't do a proper organizational readiness check before starting a software implementation…

… you can't ask the right questions in the software vendor selection because you
- miss critical data elements,
- haven't covered all your use cases,
- miss processes that the new solution will not cover.

… your organization is not ready when you go live because
- you have steamrolled ahead,
- you don't know what the change act is,
- people don't know how to use the new software,
- your organization is unable to support the software.

These are just 2 simple examples of the impact of not doing a proper organizational readiness check.

➡️ How?

So in anticipation of an implementation project, you must ensure readiness. Here's what you should look at:

1. Your data model: What is the data that you're currently capturing?
2. Your tools: If you replace multiple tools, what is the data stored across them?
3. Your processes: Which processes do you have? Make an inventory of them by collecting the descriptions or standard operating procedures.
4. Your software: Make an inventory of all currently used software.
5. Your contracts: Look at the deadlines to drive your future roadmap.
6. Your people: Who's working with the current software? What is the impact on them when implementing new software? Will you let them go or retrain them? What will your future organization look like?

If you want to know more about how to ensure organizational readiness, drop a comment or send me a message. I'm happy to answer any questions.

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