I've Played 65 Hours of No Rest For The Wicked

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I almost regret playing early access because it’s so good but just not enough content! But you can see how painstakingly detailed all the content is. Such a massively ambitious game. I get stressed out just imagining if I was one of the developers of this game because of the work that’s been done and the work ahead. This game has the potential to be one of the greats overtime.


I think a cool idea regarding item management would be taking inspiration from Guild Wars 2's "Material Storage".

To those who are not familiar with this: It basically allows players to send all of their looted mats directly to a seperat stash with the press of a button, this frees up your inventory and you can craft directly out of your material storage.


An ARPG... where the story actually feels like a single player story... with "hopefully" an expansive and interesting end-game... all wrapped in a visual masterpiece...


Good news, as of the time of this comment, they've added crafting from chests and a "add to similar" key.

They also are adding the ability to use weapons that you don't have the stats for (a la Dark Souls) with very diminished effectiveness.

They've also made it so that until you beat the first boss, the blacksmith will repair your stuff for free.

I'm in love with this game. The world exploration, the player agency in combat, the story and world building, the art style. Just awesome and only more to come


Been obsessed with this game, the combat is so crunchy and satisfying. movement is smooth too which is everything when it comes to a souls like game.


Great summary, man, and good comments on needed fixes. The stamina was my biggest gripe starting out. Was too punishing early on.

Later in the game now, they definitely need some QoL in the inventory management side of things. I'd take crafting from storge before anything else. Then, I'd take sorting storage and dumping the same items into storage when they are in your bag. A search or filter option wouldn't be bad, but if they added a sort and auto stack button, that'd be great. I've fallen asleep two nights in a row moving inventory. I dont mind managing the inventory to a point, but right now, I'm only in tier 2, and it's already getting out of hand.

A respec potion or something akin to that would huge. I got a legendary greatsword off the first boss in the game, and after a couple of hours, I went all in on strength. Not having a way to change out of this weapon without just starting all over is pretty dang rough.

They can make it costly for all i care, so we can't do it often, but it should definitely be an option.


Most eye candy game I’ve seen, absolutely love the art style and the commitment to said style- everything down to animations of cloth and inanimate objects and elements, absolutely beautiful visuals


V Rising did an amazing job with their storage system. They have a feature where you press one button and it will automatically distribute all duplicate items in the chest.

So once you’ve sorted the items the way you want all you have to do is go to each chest and press one button and every matching item will automatically be sorted in the chest.

I hope they implement this feature in the game!


Game is 9/10 Easy.
Devs made 2 hotfixes in 2 days almost eliminating most minor problems. & btw you are the best game reviewer atm.


Great video! I'm loving this game sooo much! My personal fav game this year so far. They really need to group all storage and allow you craft from storage. That would solve a lot of the annoyance. But yeah inventory is annoying. Also they really need descriptions on runes or a spot you can cast runes for free to try them out. Not on the Crucible. They said there will be 8 different ones at launch, but only one is available now so there will be more variety eventually. Also haven't heard anyone mention that your games and characters are all separate so you can have 10 characters in one game moving it forward or five games for one character. You literally beat the first boss and then instantly go new game plus with a new game and your same gear.


I'm about 20 hours in. All I have to say is to find a spear and upgrade it as far as you can. Spear is so good. Combine it with a bow to have a nice ranged attack. Shields suck. Health Regen is good. Farming materials is tedious.


It may not be anything like other arpgs, but it is EXACTLY what I've been waiting for forever. I absolutely lose interest in the typical arpg when it becomes 'spam the screen with abilities and kill a million things'. I have zero interest in that, so this makes me very very happy someone is finally sticking to slower more calculated fighting.

Good to know you can't de-level. I'd probably still avoid those until max, seen one already (lv 10 now).

I'll take these 8 or so distinct bosses over 144 which are actually only 6 who do the same boring predictable moves and aren't really a challenge any day. Plus, the overall variety of the non boss minions seems really great from what I've seen so far.


Lol, I'm actually 66.3 hrs in. On my 3rd character. First was pure strength, 2nd was pure Dex, now I'm doing a quality build. I love this game. It's Dark Souls with an overhead view. Despite the fixed camera, exploration is great and even goes a step further than Dark Souls by including proper platforming mechanics. Combat is rewarding and the art and animations are superb!

I'm surprised to see some haters for this, which would be understandable if it were based on performance because that needs a lot of work, but the game itself shows so much promise. They were probably expecting Diablo because of the camera. Can't wait for the next big content update.


Let us craft from our storage ! I hate getting mats back and fourth


Free tip for those looking to farm ichor...When he is describing how quickly you can make it to the first boss, keep in mind that the first boss drops an ichor, and you can create a new realm. So with your current highest level char, make a new realm, rush to the first boss and kill it, then do the bounty for the monster in the War Room, boom 2 ichors very fast. Use this to get some inventory slots and have a much more smooth experience early on :D


I adored the first Ori and bought the definitive edition after playing through the first one just because I loved it so much. Due how life sometimes dictates other priorities I never got around to buy and play the second one. But I bought No Rest For the Wicked and I've been loving it. Its a challenge and its not perfect, but its a very very strong basis and going off how good Ori is, I can only feel confident they will deliver.
As a consequence of this game feeling and playing so well, so much atmosphere just like Ori, I decided to buy Ori2 afterall. Crazy how delivering good game experiences is the best advertising.
Go go Moon Studios! You understand what a good game needs to be!


Bizarrely for me it seems like a fantasy version of The Ascent..level wise with all the elevation and effects


This game has such a unique and rich atmosphere and mood. Absolutely loving it so far. The characters and world have so much potential, I am really excited to see how they develop the story as they have so much solid foundation. I’m at 30 hours and still have a boss to go before the crucible “dungeon”. You can really take your time with this game if that’s your thing as it is mine :)


65 Hours in 3 days? Folks this is a PRO GAMER right here. Thanks for the videos bro, they're always appreciated!


Your reviews or overviews are the best.
