Freeze Dryer Vacuum Error Troubleshooting SOLVED! #freezedryingsupplies

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If you have purchased our kit, use these KEY POINTS in the video to apply products!
00:00 Introduction
01:11 Easiest inadequate vacuum Fixes
03:12 Vacuum Pump Oil and Testing
04:51 Testing and Adjusting the Door Gasket
06:53 How to do a vacuum test on your freeze dryer
09:12 Adjusting the freeze dryer door
11:07 Inspecting the Vacuum Hose
12:17 Tightly wrap Self Sealing Silicone tape at brass hose crimps
13:44 How to remove the freeze dryer rack
15:23 Drain valve & Drain Line Check
17:04 Apply Thread sealing tape to brass fittings threads on both sides of drain valve, apply self sealing silicone tape to the hose crimp
18:31 Removing the back cover of your freeze dryer
19:10 Checking internal vacuum chamber connections (apply thread sealing tape to vacuum hose threads (if applicable to your machine)
19:30 Apply thread sealing tape on the connection to the vacuum chamber (if applicable), add self sealing silicone tape to the hose crimp
20:40 Removing the top panel & repairing the vacuum feed.
22:30 Apply silicone to a masking tape reservoir (shown in video)
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