Freeze Dryer Vacuum Error Troubleshooting SOLVED! #freezedryingsupplies

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If you have purchased our kit, use these KEY POINTS in the video to apply products!
00:00 Introduction
01:11 Easiest inadequate vacuum Fixes
03:12 Vacuum Pump Oil and Testing
04:51 Testing and Adjusting the Door Gasket
06:53 How to do a vacuum test on your freeze dryer
09:12 Adjusting the freeze dryer door
11:07 Inspecting the Vacuum Hose
12:17 Tightly wrap Self Sealing Silicone tape at brass hose crimps
13:44 How to remove the freeze dryer rack
15:23 Drain valve & Drain Line Check
17:04 Apply Thread sealing tape to brass fittings threads on both sides of drain valve, apply self sealing silicone tape to the hose crimp
18:31 Removing the back cover of your freeze dryer
19:10 Checking internal vacuum chamber connections (apply thread sealing tape to vacuum hose threads (if applicable to your machine)
19:30 Apply thread sealing tape on the connection to the vacuum chamber (if applicable), add self sealing silicone tape to the hose crimp
20:40 Removing the top panel & repairing the vacuum feed.
22:30 Apply silicone to a masking tape reservoir (shown in video)

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Used this video to diagnose slow vacuum leak. I, like many others before me, found it to be the drain valve had failed. Purchased a $10 gas valve at Home Depot and everything working perfectly now. My medium freeze dryer is 16 months old and I join the crowd saying that using the cheap valve that Harvest Right uses is useless if it failed that soon.


Thank you for making this video. My FD started acting up, I started thru this, decided to start at the beginning. And it worked! I just took the ring off the door, washed it with nice soapy water, rinsed, and patted dry, checked the groove, replaced, did a test - took over 12 minutes but it DID finally get down under 500 mTorr.. so I started it up, loaded my food, and it worked thru an entire process successfully! Awesomeness! Thank you!


Very thorough coverage of vacuum leak troubleshooting. I could have used this after we received our second unit. We followed Harvest Right's troubleshooting guide and resolved the problem. It turned out to be a loose screw on the valve knob. Since then, we have had a couple of months of daily use without any vacuum problems.

One problem that I would like Harvest Right to address is the build-up of dust being sucked across the refrigerant's condenser fins. Dust build-up makes refrigerant condensation less effective, which results in problems cooling the freeze drying chamber. An air filter would be expected at the least (although it would reduce air flow). At least it could be changed. However, this problem could be eliminated and the unit could be made more energy efficient by using a water cooled heat exchanger (as is done on high end gaming computers).

The seal on the door could be improved by attaching a flange plate that mates parallel with the face of the door. The larger sealing surface would provide a better seal. The latching metal piece is too soft and yields to the pressure. It needs to be harder steel, or better yet, use a bolt and threaded closure, as on a vise.

Finally, I would be more pleased to see Schrader valves for recharging the refrigerant, rather than a sealed system.


You rock! With our ball valve closed, we sucked up water right into the machine. Problem identified is half the problem worth these things!


I have watched this video multiple times going through all the different issues it could be. Out of an act of desperation I purchased the self sealing silicone tape and wrapped all the crimped hoses. AND IT WORKED!!! Thanks for the advise. Ive never even heard of this tape before. Im back to freeze drying with zero issues now.


On the industrial side, when we looked for leaks on vacuum systems, we used shaving cream sprayed around the suspected component and looked for the "inward pimple" on the surface of the shaving cream. We also used vacuum grease on the fitting connections instead of Teflon tape.


I am so happy we found this video! Putting the drain hose in a glass of water showed us exactly where our leak was. We will replace the drain valve and hopefully be back off to the races.


Thank you for this. When I got my freeze dryer, I had this issue. I called customer service and was told 8 days before they could call back. Well, that wasn't acceptable to me as I wasn't available for the date and time they suggested. They called me anyway. Didn't like I said not okay. For me, it seems to be the door handle. My next-door neighbor is an engineer, so he helps. It seems that it's loosened up again. So frustrating. Also, my drain valve is actually upside down. It's aggravating when the issue happens and you're 16 hours into the cycle. Thanks for explaining this and being so detailed.


Most helpful freeze dryer video by anyone ever.


We were having vacuum errors, couldn't finish loads it got so bad. Super mechanical hubby went through everything, replaced 0-rings and all sorts of things and then we upgraded our old software and it's working like brand new! We were about to buy a new pump, but tried this first so glad we did!


Running into issues with low vacuum pressure. Tried 3 times getting it to start left it running over night to see what would happen. Made sure oil level was right, made sure drain valve was closed.

Didn’t even know there was a power switch for the pump!

Thanks for making a video. Wish they would have mentioned the power switch on the pump in the instructions 😂


FINALLY FIXED! I took off all the sides, turned on the vacuum, and started spraying MAF cleaner on all the places. Vacuum showed 1200mTorr when I sprayed the vacuum sensors wires it shot up to 1324mTorr. Removed the old foam tape thing. Then I Got some black auto silicon and smeared it about 1/4inch thick between the 4 wires and all around the top and down to the threads. Immediately as I applied the silicon it went down to 200mtorr and it is now fixed 😊 Thank you for the video!


Didn’t pull water up the drain hose, but I decided to replace the valve anyway, even though it’s a brand new machine. I noticed small bits of Teflon tape in the ball valve. The new valve got it pulling below 500… but as soon as I put the tray rack back in… the rubber seal is hitting the bottom of the tray rack and lifting slightly under vacuum. Thanks for the chamber / door adjustment advice! I’ll try it as soon as I get home! Thanks Brian!


guru for freeze drying. Thanks Brian!!!


With all the new issues popping up, I'd love a version two of this video! Cover not finishing the freeze dry all the way, etc


Good video Brian! Having an issue did all the tests in the manual. Saw your water technique and tried it under 500mTorr. Disappointed that I found zero issues after 3 failed batches. MTorr stayed low when I sprayed on the water. Had a ticket with HR in as I am under warranty for a few more months but saw this video and was very interested. Long story short the HR tech had me do a water batch which failed 3 times in Vac Freeze Mode. Was instructed to LEAF to Dry mode which gave me the inadequate vacuum error twice and then finally achieved mTorr and completed batch..Tech analyzed data and wanted to do a MOCK run.(no food or trays). It worked great. I sent the data. I'll speak with the Tech in 3 days. Meanwhile I ran a 9lb batch in the medium FD which ran absolutely perfect. Did a lot of checks, everything was good, fixed nothing and my FD began working. Go figure. But due to this video and HR literature I'm pretty confident there's no mechanical issues Thx again, good clip


We had a vacuum problem and watched your video. I found a brocken crimp on the drain hose. I made the repair with two hose clamps. Thankyou for the video!


I had vacuum errors almost every cycle and sometimes more than once in a cycle. Once I replaced the drain valve I have not had one. That was about 2 dozen cycles ago. Be aware that tightening the little screw may not solve the issue because that simply makes the knob harder to turn, it doesn't necessarily prevent air from leaking out around the ball.


OMG, thank you for this video. I bought an air freezer I’ve been down a couple weeks due to “inadequate vacuum issues”. I’ve only been able to process around 10 loads but have run the machine around 15 times. When everything goes fine, the product that comes out of the machine is incredible. I’m getting ice around the rubber seal when I get a notice when there is an issue. I’m so frustrated because I have so much to process and the world is getting crazy.


Thank you, did not pay attention during set up. I Did not have pump plugged in freeze dryer, you solved my problem in first 2 minutes of video ❤❤
