What's up with MCC Island?

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In this video I looked at some feedback for MCC Island and gave my thoughts on stuff like MCCI Fishing and other games. #mcc

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From playing Sky Battle, I can confirm I have seen more hackers recently, although it's still not many at all. I'm decent friends with misfortune so I have seen some of their claims first hand in group chats/dms from clips and such so I can confirm everything they say here is things they have seen/experienced while being a very active MCC Island player. (also another thing I want to say that some people might question or bring up in comments, They aren't some MCCI/noxcrew hater at all, they have always been critical of MCCI whether positively or negatively in a constructive way, this is just one of the times they are being more blunt about it because of how long these issues have persisted)


the initial title was wrong if you got a random notif that's why


The lag is especially bad in plobbies, mainly HITW and RSR. As an island event owner I really hope it gets fixed soon.


This is what I recall from memory, so not all information might be 100% correct, but it should be fairly accurate:

The next season of the battle pass first got delayed to be bundled with fishing, which took a bit longer than expected. Then fishing (and thus the battle pass season) got pushed even further back due to the expanded scope.

Eventually, when fishing was ready to drop, Noxcrew decided to split up fishing release from the season 5 release, as apparently there is some system in the works that interweaves with the battle pass system and it wasn't finished yet at the time of fishing release.

Edit: It was also stated that in 2025 there should be more consistent updates on island. (As a note: an update does not necessarily mean a *content* update ;)


One of the biggest issues i have been facing in mcci is the fact that the texture loading for me takes so much and because of that i get kicked out and it is very much to due to the fact that my PC sucks ass and even with mods its still mid but recently on mcci i just cant log in without getting kicked or timed out due to how long it takes for my computer to load in the mcci texture pack and i dont really know what to do man as before this problem has occurred but it wasnt that bad in 2023 and early/mid 2024 as i was still able to very much log in and play without any issues but lately its been just impossible (i havent played mcci in 3 months because when i tried it just doesnt work) and i am just sad man and really dont know what i can do right now


As a fisher, I don't think I will play much of the other games, can't really comment on that


As a battle box player, the amount of lag switchers has increased significantly 😭


I Love Wolfeei Mogul Mail

As someone who plays MCCI regularly (currently on a 200+ day login streak), I do agree that lag (and FPS) has been getting worse for the last few months, Ive had a significantly less smooth experience while playing

I dont play Sky Battle as often as, say like a year ago or more, but I have seen a few hackers on MCCI, and more recently than not

On the topic of Noxcrew releasing new content, I do agree that we (as fans and MCCI players) cant just expect them to completely focus on MCC/MCCI when their main income comes from Bedrock - dont get wrong, Im dying for new MCCI content (and I especially wanna see Parkour Tag get added to the server) and MCC's return, but Id wait until 2026 even (and prob like even a year more) if it meant Noxcrew can continue releasing Java content and let us have all of this for practically *free*


I'm so speedy. I'll watch the vid now


hello everybody welcome back to wolfeei extras


There is or was a issue recently that more people get kicked randomly when enter a skb or bb game(i saw like half of people get kicked when the game wasnt like started yet) and about battle pass after the timer ends will change in "soon".


kelvin @person fubu thumbnail appearance 🗣️


so glad they are trying to fix lag big w


Last night I and a few others got continuous disconnects due to "connection reset". Which was weird bc I tried on different devices, wifis and clients. After like 6+ times I had to just quit for the night which sucked a bit. But otherwise I'm having a lot of fun with both the movement games and fishing


The lag issues are present and annoying but they're not as consistent as people make them seem. They're more like a once every hour sort of thing, definitely not "constant" in my recent experience at least. Once the lag issues become consistent that's when I'll stop playing, but until then I'm fine to leave Noxcrew to fix this in their own time.


"nobody is going to hack fishing"
You can combine some hacks to do fully afk fishing but that would be devs problem


Here's my thing, I don't really care about the content that drops because I mostly play sky battle and parkour warrior, with the occasional TGTTOS and Battle Box. I would like more maps, but right now I am satisfied. I know Noxcrew is busy after all.
Here's my problem, the connection issues, performance problems running on my computer, and problems with the hit registration is so atrocious it makes the game infuriating and at times, unplayable. The server always had these problems, but now they feel worse. At that point, you can't have a server at all if significant problems are going unfixed, players should not have to put up with that.
Also I do buy the hacker problems, but I haven't noticed many. Probably because I was not paying attention though and just blamed my deaths on myself or the hitreg/connection screwing me.


They can fix the disconnect by focusing all Bedrock map effort into making a Bedrock MCC Island.
Obviously they probably don’t have the resources to do that, but with all the terrible featured servers they’d most likely be the second most popular server on Bedrock.

Hopefully if they ever did that, it would be like MCC Island and not the collab because they collab took meltdown and grid runners and made them worse. (They have a free marketplace map with a better version of Grid Runners)
