Dr. Loetscher discusses the benefits of general anesthesia during oral surgery

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These are the benefits of general anesthesia during oral surgery.

Atlanta Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Experience the difference only an experienced implant specialist can provide in surgical and implant care!

With years of experience teamed up with our in-house lab, and our network of dental professionals – we offer quality care and service second to none!

It all began with Dr. Loetscher’s 25 years of experience in the art of surgery – facial reconstruction and implant rehabilitation. Your journey continues on with his board certification in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, and Dental Anesthesia.

Then… you arrive at our comfortable facility, enjoy our friendly and sharp staff. Dr. Loetscher will put you at ease with his thorough work-up and together we put together your exciting treatment plan. The team’s experience and knowledge will allow provide your ease of mind in receiving great care and value.

Our Team can also evaluate your jaw positioning for occlusal, esthetic and airway evaluation.
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I did General for lower impacted bony wisdom tooth extraction and though I was terrified for GA, after having done it, I completely recommend it. The upper wisdom teeth that I removed with local anesthesia was way more traumatic and it left me with a mental trauma even 20 yrs later.


Would have been nice to know much sooner! With dental work now I have such bad dentalphobia due to extraction of all wisdom teeth. Only one came out whole. They didn't spend the time to fully remove the shards. I will be fully going under hopefully soon, as suboxone destroyed my teeth (presided for pain at 12mg daily, no I didn't help). I went in to get my teeth fixed much sooner, even telling them my needs, after they say sorry, you will have to find a provider licensed (for NO2, since I was coprescribed benzos as well as opiates). You sound like you care about your patients, where as the last time I felt that was was with an amazing pediatric office.


Hi there, with controlled hypertension that spikes when in the dental chair as I am fearful since childhood, along with possible sleep apnea, is several extractions safe under deep iv anesthesia for me? Thank you for the reassuring video!
