Kratky Method Hydroponics Explained

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What I believe is the easiest way to garden, the Kratky Method still requires some understanding of general hydroponics and a few tools for measuring the waters Ph and EC. If you want to know how to grow plants in mason jars in your window, watch this video. There is also the dreaded algae to watch out for so be sure to watch to the end to get my algae beating tips for your Kratky jar garden setup.

List of Ph levels
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A few tips for the viewers:

No need to buy those expensive net pots. Instead you can use discarded (used) and clean k-cup pods. Just cut some slits in the bottom and sides.

Instead of the expensive clay pebbles, get a bag of calcined clay. This is the stuff that they put on ballfields, put in kitty litter, and use in auto shops to soak up oil spills. If using kitty litter be sure to use the type without any addictives or chemicals.

Instead of construction paper to block out light and to prevent algae, use empty chip bags or empty brown paper bags. If you wish, you can have shiny side out when using chip bags. I have heard that some people like to use aluminum foil.

You can use thin masking tape to cover a vertical area of your grow jar. Then to check the roots, just peal it to peek and reapply.


Can I just say; you have an amazing smile :D Thanks for adding that bit of flair to the video - and thanks for the info! I'm looking forward to trying this method later!


Nice video. I was thinking for a second you were going to skip the algae issue. Covered it nicely.


You're a really good teacher! I'm brand new to this world but am rarin' to go with a Tower Garden soon! Thank you!


Very well explained. I like to see the roots as well.
I jumped on board with you and I hope you keep at this.


That helped me a lot. I love seeing the roots. I've grown basil in the window and my green onions, I have no problem with alge, but it wasn't for long-term growth, just rooting and planting outside. I was scared of eating the plant with a risk of alge poisoning. This video helped .


I’m a beginner and have been watching different videos seeing different ideas and I have to say I enjoyed yours a lot so thank you for your knowledge!


I grew for 14 yra and I learned some things new from you. Hydro is the best way to grew anything atip for you and air bubbler from fish tank shop does wonders I really like the airponics setup that produces a mist in the space between the plant cup and the surface of the water. I also love the ebb and flow system because I can automate the system with a simple timer and a pump. Love and kisses Bob


I'm about to jump in! Just testing the waters, so to speak.
I'm starting my seeds on cotton balls.
As for covering jars, how about socks or a long sleeve shirt with elastic on the cuff. (This could get really decorative! Lol)
Thanks for videos. I just watched my first 2, so I have more to checking up!
*I love how shirt & to-the-point your videos are as well!


nice video informative and straight to the point I'm planning to do this


I needed to your help. I am not hitting on the right colors or height. I will definitely learn your way as I am frustrated with my failures.


Quart large mouth canning jars and screw on lids are the perfect size to drop the little slotted pots in.


When I was in the vegetable industry, we ALWAYS used EC meters. I bought one today actually but it's both ppm and EC. You showed it on the screen as TDS&EC, the one in the middle. Cost me half the price of a McDonald's meal.


This video was great! Great method and teaching as well.


Never tried that har method still i made one from an old pickle jar it seems fine but i havent put anything in it yet waiting for the seeds to crackle and grow .
I mostly grow with dwc setups easy and gives alot growth and fruit . Good explanations !!


What nutrients are you using for the plants.


Thanks for the info. You might benefit by having Amazon associates links in description for meters and supplies that you mentioned. 👍🍻


What are the nutrients I need? I grew this way 15 years ago, and it was amazing, but have forgotten so much


So what about how much nutrients, what kind, do you cycle the water at some point, does it chamge depending on what you're growing, etc???
