Why Women Make Terrible Decisions #women #gender #marriage #girls #men #masculinity #sexist #truth

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Women are not kids bro. If they make terrible choices, thats on them. If they make good choices, that's on them. Just like any person does. Men and women both make terrible decisions, that's why you gotta find a GOOD person to be with. Marriage is a partnership. Both partners should be guiding each other to be the best they can possibly be, but that person has to be a half decent person in order to grow.

Giving grown adults the ability to chose does not make them make bad decisions. It just illuminates what choices they would've made on thier own free will. Again, it's not your job as a partner to try change and mold your partner. It's thier job to meet you half way and change with your support in a way that's best for them and the marriage. If you have to try and wrangle your partner to do that, to the point where you wish they didn't have free will, you married the wrong person.


My husband died, and I started a business to support my two children. They are now both in college. Next Monday, we are moving into our big new home. I guess I shouldn't have become the breadwinner. Sometimes... women have to work.


Such a sweeping statement. Do a button up.


I want a man like this. I am tired of being in my masculine energy all the time.


To a certain point but just bc a woman doesn’t YOU and chooses her own path not just what you believe she should do doesn’t mean she wants to be a man.
This is nonsense.


😂😂😂 dream on! Women often thrive without men!


Bro probably had his wife cheat on him, because he went and cheated on her like 20 times


Alcohol separated the family...
War separated the family...


I am sorry, but the man I was with was the woman, I am tired of taking care of women.
I prefer to stay alone!!! I don’t know, if I ever had the chance to be a woman?!?


Please button up your shirt before you start preaching.


I agree but not your option of were less then because your stronger that's bulling


100 true.. but wat happen if man extincted any explanation of what happened with man testoterone dropped leve to gradad level? Or feminised or turned 50 shades gey?


And if the man does not want/can be the MAN who wants/can lead...because he went through childhood traumas?


Being a married woman. I love the fact that we have an old-fashioned relationship. My husband supports and provides everything for our family. Although I work, I have my own business and work my own schedule. I take pride in keeping a clean house, putting a hot meal on the table for my husband to come home, too. As his job is extremely physical. Taking care of our family is my top priority. As it should be.


Studies have shown that kids from single-father led households do as well as kids in 2 parent households. So, all we really need them for is to have babies..


This guy knows what he's talking about! Eve was made as a help mate and companion for Adam and when you stray from that formula everything get's messed up.


Exactly us men are the alpha males we take care of the woman we give the woman a child so they can create that child and birth that child without us men how the hell are we gonna have the family we want or the woman wants oh wait women don’t want families all they want is to waste men’s time by sleeping with them and then moving to a different man and don’t tell me I’m wrong Because I’m not look at all these women that are young that are in their 20s but then look at the women that are in their 40s yes OK they do it but they don’t do it as much as men or women think I can remember for the longest time I used to believe thatrelationships and marriage was even a thing but to me it seems like it isn’t and sorry if this is a little long but they’re with me
