ArduPy - A combination of Arduino and MicroPython on Open Source Hardware
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ArduPy is a combination of Arduino and MicroPython. MicroPython uses the universal Arduino API to control the hardware so that it can be compatible with new platforms quickly. With the help of the aip package manager we provided, you can transform your favorite Arduino library into a MicroPython library. Through ArduPy, you can use Python to verify your ideas, learn python programming as well as micro-controller programming in a more efficient way.
ArduPy - A combination of Arduino and MicroPython on Open Source Hardware
Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #6 | How to write an ArduPy library?
Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #5 | AIP Usage & Ardupy Libraries
Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #1 | Getting Started with Ardupy
Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #2 | Fun with LCD
Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #3 | Decibel Meter using built-in Microphone
Wio Terminal - Retro Game in ArduPy (MicroPython)
Wio Terminal: UI example
Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #4 | Musical Keyboard using built-in Buzzer
MicroPython on a Wio Terminal (Seeed Studio) - How To
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