'Discipleship & Worldview Formation' | VOCAB MALONE | Street Apologist LIVE!

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Renewing our minds is part of the Christian life. A more biblical worldview is part of Christian discipleship! Join Vocab Malone as he explains why both of these statements are true from God’s Word.

**Street Apologist** LIVE w Vocab Malone! [Christian apologetics]
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Рекомендации по теме

3:34, Topic of the show explained
8:01, Recommended reading resources on
worldview formation/the life of the mind
8:12, Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life
as a Christian Calling by James W.
9:05, The Universe Next Door: A Basic
Worldview Catalogue by James W.
9:26, Loving God with All Your Mind:
Thinking as a Christian by Gene
Edward Veith Jr.
9:48, Love Your God with All Your Mind:
The Role of Reason in the Life of the
Soul by J.P. Moreland
10:06, Interaction with the Live Chat audience
15:54, What is discipleship?
29:57, Obstacles to discipleship (Pr. 18.1,
Phil. 2.1-4, Jn 15.1-11)
45:07, How does discipleship, living out the
Christian life, happen? (Ezek. 36.25-27,
Rom. 12.1, 2, 1 Cor. 2.14-16)
1:10:34, Compare and contrast between the
old and the new mind[set] (1 Cor.
3.3, 4; 12.3, Eph. 4.23)
1:13:35, Expanding the new mind (Heb. 5.14,
1 Pet. 1.13)



Amazing show tonight ... keeping our eyes on CHRIST and HIM CRUCIFIED and being transformed always by the renewing of our minds 😍😍😍😍😍


Dang, look forward to watching this later! Your Bible Studies and videos on Christian Living in general are always great 😊


Keep up the good work brother vocab!!!


Great sermon for my Sunday at home today! Unfortunately, I belong to a church where we have more aged members than those in my age group and younger. Basically, the this group of believers is dying without any outreach to the community. Non one is interested in outreach either. Thinking of finding a group outside of this church to "do something". Just not sure where to start this journey...


I like Nancy Pearcy! I'm reading love thy body at the moment I'm really enjoying it


Does anyone know why David Wood hasn't posted any videos for a while?


I notice my comment which states commonality doesn't always equal conformity is gone because commonality and conformity are not always the same. I mean an unbeliever drives a car so is the believer conforming to the world for driving a car? I notice that some Christians like baseball and unbelievers like baseball also, so there a commonality. Now conforming to the world is sinning and getting drunk because other gets drunk is conforming. However, is a believer conforming when they drink coffee, as unbelievers do it also? So I was stating a fact of reality, here is scriptures.
[(Eph 4:v21 if indeed you have heard Him and were taught in Him, as the truth is in Yeshua. 22 With respect to your former lifestyle, you are to lay aside the old self corrupted by its deceitful desires, 23 be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and put on the new self—created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.)]
[(Col 3:v7 At one time you also walked in these ways, when you used to live in these ways.8 But now, set them all aside—anger, rage, malice, slander, and foul language out of your mouth.9 Do not lie to one another. After all, you have taken off the old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self that is being renewed in knowledge, according to the image of the One who created him.)] (TLV)
[(Rom 12:v1 I urge you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice—holy, acceptable to God—which is your spiritual service. 2 Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.)] (TLV)
Being transformed by the renewing of your mind, and basically to conform to the world is to conform to sinful behavior. To be renewed in mind is to put on the new self, created in the likeness of God or to be conformed to the image of Yeshua. However to state that some things which are common are not sins or sinful behavior, so, therefore, commonality doesn't always equal conformity to the age (sinful behavior or sinful influences of the age). Then when reading 2 Corinthians 6 this also doesn't contradict what I am writing, because it was describing idol worship (Greek mythology now) in the classical age that is coming back in the neo-pagan (perhaps in a form ethnic nationalism in Greece.) forms but was diminished by the Roman Empire becoming Christian.

Though my concern was pre-Christian Gentiles who were not affiliated with Judaism at all, and I note Romans 1( Most Gentile nations were idol worshipers or had other religions and some monotheistic but dualistic.) and chapter 2 ( That Gentiles never being exposed to the special revelation of the Torah had a conscience.) is also describing pre-Christian Gentiles. Then Ephesians 2 was describing the Pre-Christian state of Gentiles, so people actually neglect to consider the times they were in. Then, of course, the God-fearing Gentiles who believed in the God of Israel but was not Jewish, and Peter was not even supposed to meet Cornelius in his house perhaps due to the Jewish Halakha (Acts 10 0r 11) at the time unless the Torah actually says this. So my point is that even idol worshiping Gentiles were human and did things as other humans do like give in marriage and stuff. Then pagan Gentiles did have laws so there were some moral understandings, while they were flawed as everyone else is. Then in Acts 14 and 17, Paul basically says God overlooked them in their times of ignorance.
