Debunking Total Knee Replacement Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction! | Medfin

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Many patients are reluctant to undergo Knee Replacement Surgery hence they will even wait as long as possible. This is due to some fears about the knee replacement surgery. Most of these fears are nothing but myths about the surgery. So here are some myths and facts about Knee Replacement Surgery, which can put such patients at ease.

Myths & Facts

Myth 1: Knee Replacement Surgery will restrict activity.

Fact: In fact, you can do all the things after knee surgery, which you were doing before your knee required the surgery. Even the doctor will advise you to do basic exercises and long walks, as this increase the longevity of the implant. So no need to worry about any restriction in knee activity.

Myth 2: Only one knee can be replaced at a sitting and not two knees.

Fact: This depends on the patient. If the patient is fit, then surgeon can do Knee Replacement Surgery for both knees at one sitting. Knee Surgery in single sitting has many advantages over replacing both the knees at different times.

Myth 3: Knee Surgery is very risky, the body might reject the implants and the surgery will fail most of the time.

Fact: Knee surgery is highly safe and the only risk is an infection. The implants are designed to be compatible with human body and the body won’t reject these implants and there is no risk of any side effects. So, Knee Replacement Surgery is not a high risk surgery.

Myth 4: After the surgery, I will be in bed for a really long time and it will need a really long time to recover.

Fact: After the surgery, patient can walk within few days. In some cases patient can walk on same day as the surgery and there is no need for a prolonged bed rest. Surgeon will suggest some light exercises and long walks.

About Medfin:
Medfin offers the latest surgical procedures to ensure that you recover as fast as possible in the least painful way possible. Minimally invasive surgical procedures/treatments such as laparoscopy, laser & embolization help prevent complications and improve effectiveness.

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