Was John the Baptist the Messiah?

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The Gospel writers may have reshaped the story of John the Baptist, using ancient propaganda techniques to align him with their theological agenda about Jesus. But by carefully analyzing the Biblical texts and historical context, we can attempt to reconstruct the real John the Baptist—a revolutionary figure whose story was reframed to serve a different narrative.

In this video, we dive into:

The mysterious emphasis on John’s parentage and the possibility of his illegitimate birth.

Propaganda techniques in the Gospel of Luke and their parallels to other Biblical narratives.

How the parable of the vine growers may reveal John’s bold claim to be the Son of God and rightful heir to Israel’s throne.

The political motivations behind John’s execution and how the Gospels shifted the focus to theological reasons.

Differences between the Gospel accounts and Josephus’ writings on John the Baptist.

Could John the Baptist have seen himself as the Messiah, and might Jesus himself have shared that belief? Join me as I explore how these claims could reshape our understanding of both John and Jesus, offering a fresh perspective on their lives and teachings.
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I've long suspected that the historical John the Baptist had a much richer story than the NT authors would have you believe.


John the Baptist was the for runner of Jesus Christ the Son of God..,
Read John 1:23-34…


Of course not! he was "The voice of the one crying out in the wildeness "Prepare ther way of the Lord". He also told the people "I am NOT he, I am not even worthy to untues his sandals". The true Messiah, Jesus was Baptised by John, and at that time he heard God voice saying "This is my Son, the bleloved" John told Jesus disciples too "behold the lamb of God that takes away ther sins of the world!" as he pointed, NOT TO HIMSELF BUT TO JESUS!
