Ταυτότητα vs έκφραση φύλου| CW:Dysphoria|

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-Gender Identity: Cisgender=identifying with your assigned gender. Transgender=not identifying
-Gender expression:
|Makeup is also gender expressive, but i really don't see it as gendered, just a thing that requires lots of patience and $$$|
Hair, clothes, name, pronouns,stuffing(with cutlets/and other methods I don't know about, amab), binding(afab), tucking(amab), packing(afab), body hair, voice.
-Dysphoria: Body dysphoria concerns body parts but also gender expression. Social dysphoria is harsh when you're not out, or in a transphobic enviroment. Don't misgender people you twats.
-Euphoria : Euphoria is a thing, transition and respecting people's gender matters, let your kids do their hair and dress how they bloody want.
-Non binary: I cannot begin to list all non binary identities, just because we have many options it doesn't mean they aren't real.
|Go tell an artist that colours are fake, and they should stick to primaries, they would gladly stick a colour wheel up your ass.|
-People are afraid of change, no shit, submission breeds cowardice.
-Fuck Transphobia
Αρνητικά σχόλια ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΟΝΤΑΙ ΠΛΕΟΝ ΚΑΤΕΥΘΕΙΑΝ, this is a safe space for the LGBT+ community.
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-Gender expression:
|Makeup is also gender expressive, but i really don't see it as gendered, just a thing that requires lots of patience and $$$|
Hair, clothes, name, pronouns,stuffing(with cutlets/and other methods I don't know about, amab), binding(afab), tucking(amab), packing(afab), body hair, voice.
-Dysphoria: Body dysphoria concerns body parts but also gender expression. Social dysphoria is harsh when you're not out, or in a transphobic enviroment. Don't misgender people you twats.
-Euphoria : Euphoria is a thing, transition and respecting people's gender matters, let your kids do their hair and dress how they bloody want.
-Non binary: I cannot begin to list all non binary identities, just because we have many options it doesn't mean they aren't real.
|Go tell an artist that colours are fake, and they should stick to primaries, they would gladly stick a colour wheel up your ass.|
-People are afraid of change, no shit, submission breeds cowardice.
-Fuck Transphobia
Αρνητικά σχόλια ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΟΝΤΑΙ ΠΛΕΟΝ ΚΑΤΕΥΘΕΙΑΝ, this is a safe space for the LGBT+ community.
Social media links