Kiev 88 - Russian Medium Format Camera

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The Kiev 88 is an excellent alternative to a Hasselblad system when your finances are tight. I shot on this camera for about 7 years as I just couldn't afford to do the 'blad thing.

You'll have to look for these cameras used as they don't make them anymore. Also worth noting is the build quality is pretty inferior to other Medium Format cameras of this design. There is also a Kiev 88cm. These offer improvements such as a cloth shutter curtain and a Pentacon Six lens mount. My personal opinion is that these are not worth the extra money since the build quality is still a little flakey. The clearest way to go in my opinion is the older style if the objective is to save money.

On my channel you will find videos about photography, cinematography, post processing tutorials for Capture One, Lightroom and Photoshop, photo assignments that YOU can participate in, the Artist Series and of course me vlogging about my personal life. The Artist Series is an ongoing set of videos I produce as documentaries on living photographers. I am extremely passionate about photography and video and my goal in making these videos is to share my passion and enthusiasm with you! Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit the like button and share this video if you enjoyed it!

Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
2830 S. Hulen, Studio 133
Fort Worth, TX 76109
US of A
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Wow, thanks for this!

I used Kiev 88's from around 1997 to 2003 for product photos for a Premier League English soccer club's merchandise catalogues and publicity.

At the time I had pro Nikon 35mm kit but the printer I was contracted to demanded 6x6 for scanning.

The budget didn't run to a Hasselblad and hiring kit for a month was out of the question (although I did hire a Mamiya 6x9, Polaroid back and lenses for macro work).

I bought a Kiev 88 kit and wide angle lens and set to work.

The image quality was excellent but everything was shot on slide film with 2 stops bracketing. Basically we did the job, but I was shooting up to 10 rolls a day. At the end of the shoot I had used 350 rolls and wind-on was increasingly inaccurate. By the 3rd year I had eaten up 2 backs - you could see iron filings coming off the gears!
Shutter speeds under 15th packed up completely and the 30th sec flash synch was very limiting. I eventually went through 3 bodies and 8 backs over the years, but it was still cheaper than a 'blad.

The worst experience I had was shooting a wedding - I changed backs and pulled out the metal film shield and sliced my hand- blood everywhere. Happily it was at the reception and kitchen staff dressed my wound!

Happy days.


I was talking cameras with my son and he mentioned he had a big Russian camera on the top of his cupboard, been there for at least 6 years and had no idea what it was. Someone bought it where he works (architects / design), they had it on there desk, never used it but left the company and never took the camera. It found its way to another desk for a couple of years and remained ignored then that person left and it was dumped on my son's desk. He left me holding and grabbed the box, blew the dust off and inside is a Kiev 60 TTL with leather case, filters, lens and straps everything. It's absolutely immaculate. It's 4.3 lbs of weighty fun. I will not see him for a while but so looking forward to getting hold of this.


I'm a fan of the podcast and quickly becoming a fan of the VLOG....keep up the great work Ted! As an aside, I like the camera "previews" of the Russian rangefinders and the Kiev 88. There are so few people talking about these great cameras.
I have shot with a Lubitell 166 but now shoot mostly with a Yashica MAT LM or a Hassy CM for medium format. I NEVER leave home without my Olympus XA2 though.
Keep surprising us!


I bought one of these back in September and I'm loving shooting on it. I did get it serviced by Arax and I'm currently awaiting the 150mm 2.8, and the 45mm 3.5.


Just got one of these today! I did get the CM model, but it came with a Carl Zeiss Biometar 80mm f2.8 lens, TTL spot viewer, 2 waist level finders, film back, and some other accessories for $179 on eBay today. It's a used camera but was apparently working before it was stored and sold. Love your videos, Ted. Very informative and your method of speaking is very calm and we are hanging out and just talking back and forth. Just subscribed! Keep the good videos coming!


I got a Bronica SQ-A with 3 lenses (50, 80, and 150), 120 back, 220 back, and prism finder for under $200. 


I bought mine as a kit - body, 80mm, 2 backs, WLF, TTL prism, a couple of filters, and a bag to keep it in. I later added the converter/extension tube, 65mm, and after a couple of trips with the 250mm f5.6 realised why many prefer the 150mm - nice kit, though.


I've always found it weird that photographers dubbed 35mm as being the amateur format, over the years. It's such a shame! I have medium format cameras, but am addicted to 35mm. It just has something about it that's extremely appealing to me. How can it be dubbed amateur, when the likes of Cartier-Bresson and Frank shot some of the world's greatest photographs on 35mm film? Awesome video again, Ted! You are the best photo-vlogger out there! :)


About 20 years ago, you could get a Kiev 60 for what a new back for the Kiev 88 sold for. Build quality/reliability was a bit better, although it (K60) suffered from frame overlap. I cured mine of the frame overlap problem. There were many places claiming to have gone through the Kiev 88 and upgraded the reliability. KievUSA was one of the biggest importers, and wouldn't sell a camera he didn't go through. Of course, this was at a premium, negating much of the savings a K88 provided. Looking at eBay, it looks like you can get a much better constructed camera for as little or less than a K88.


The XA2 is a great camera… I've got one too. Big favorite.


Great video, just wondering if Hasselblad CFE lens work with the Kiew 88?


For the long shutter speed photos, why not cover the lens with a cap or putting a dark card infront of it, effectively stopping the exposure before releasing the shutter? You think that would work?

Nice review. I would love to get in to medium format.

how do you go from the negative to a digital file on your computer?


Pentacon was an East German manufacturer formed out of several firms in 1959, but didn't go by that name until 1964.


10:51 a cat!
PS: The volna-3 is a SUPERB lens!!!


Still have one with 2 lenses the focal plane shutter is a noisy beast .at camera club one night we were able to swap parts with an early model hassy lol. Now using rb67 which is a lot heavier to handle.long live film😎


Have you seen the Arax cameras? They're basically stripped down Kievs that have been rebuilt to increase the build quality (quality control on the Kievs was never that great) and have had a few parts beefed up and replaced, and they're still ridiculously cheap.


I love this camera! It was my second medium format camera after the Holga as well.
I personally prefer the waist-level viewfinder to the TTL prism. Much easier to shoot with.


Love this episode! The Kiev factory was in Kiev, Ukraine. It was nicknamed "the arsenal" because they also made tanks(?) I have had a few of these over the years the oldest one I had to sent out to Gevorg (Arax Photo) for repair a few years ago. I wish I could buy one of their upgraded K88 or K60. But who knows, if I get to developing my own film I just might. (I have been good!) :D


The cardboard boxes in the background are a nice touch. Next time look for some plastic baskets filled with laundry. All kidding aside thanks for shooting and sharing the video.


Hi! Im considering buying the Arax CM/MLU. I understand its a upgraded version of the Kiev 88cm. So whats the difference between the two? 
