What is morphic resonance?

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Rupert’s 8-part Morphic Resonance video course is now available for £49, including a live Q&A session to take place in November, 2023

by Rupert Sheldrake
Ways to Go Beyond And Why They Work

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and best selling author of "Science and Spiritual Practices" and "Science Set Free" (published as "The Science Delusion" in the UK). At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College and from 2005 to 2010 was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities. He is among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders, according to The Duttweiler Institute and was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India.
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Morphic resonance shows us that every spiritual battle we conquer paves the way for other humans to follow. Every time we do the right thing or exercise any other of our virtues we make it easier for others who would face the same challenge. This is true altruism! AHO! Bless


To all those who 'discredit' Sheldrake by saying this is 'pseudoscience', of course it is not 'scientific', by definition this cannot be. But this is metaphysics: 1: what is there and 2: what is it like. Science is good for many things, but is limited in that it cannot provide 'truth' unless we live in a universe where a materialist reality is the only way to go. I love Rupert Sheldrake.


More fundamentally, morphic resonance is a property of space and time which emerges because it 'knows' and 'communicates' spatial symmetry, shapes, geometries etc. So, it is an information field, like gravity which says 'You are both material objects; you are both connected' or electromagnetism which says 'You both have charge; you are both connected.' The symmetry field says 'You have similar geometry; you are connected.' The morphic field arises because of the symmetry field.


Surprised no one has mentioned the game 999, I wonder if Sheldrake knows his theory is THE main plot point of the game and it is handled SO well. If you read this Shelly I think you'd trip out at how they expound on your work


I personally experience this when I sit down to make a pencil sketch. I hadn't made a sketch for over a year and when I sat down to make one I was seriously worried that I'd have forgotten the skill. It came out as my personal best ever. Apparently, I had somehow improved without practicing.


I am so so happy I discovered this guy.


Refreshing, intelligent, productive, holistic and perhaps useful in a world a bit tangled.


To neglect memory outside my brain would be very brain dead scepticism. To put words on what we not know is the first step. Fractal fields is everywhere.


Coleman Barks, in reference to the love poetry of Jelaluddin Rumi, refers to this in human terms as our *lineage*. Same idea, different usage of terminology. Love your work, Rupert. I'm only today seeing you have a channel.
"Don't grieve. Anything you lose, comes 'round in another form." ~ rumi


This is the kind of thing that you either believe or you don't believe. I tend to think there's a certain validity to it based on personal data and experience. A similar phenomenon: If I stop dancing for 3 months and then get back on the floor, I find that my skills have improved. Time is strange, and would seem to be bound up with memory.

Memory itself being quite peculiar.


I just completed Rupert Sheldrake's book "Morphic Resonance". His theory answers some of the questions that have nagged at me for much of my life, such as "How do animals and plants get their physical shape and how are so many animals, such as insects and birds, born with the knowledge to survive and migrate without being taught?"  His theory that morphic fields connect plants and animals with similar (entangled) plants and animals and create a probablility pathway toward form and habit (instinct) is genius. While not yet proven, it is the best explanation I've heard so far.  I'm in awe of his genius!


IT shows time is a man made construct and All is happening at the same time in different dimensions 😊 time, the dimensional diamond 💎 facets of reality🙂🙏


Does anyone have a source/sources relating to Sheldrake's assertion about rats learning tricks quicker and easier?


No wonder we've seen such a jump in skill level in the field of basketball.


So in essence he is talking about the Akashik Records right? He says that information engraves itself into the fabric of reality making it last forever and being able to be accessed anywhere in Reality. Right?


We are all Energy. Birds of a feather flock together.


So do we have access to universal memory through meditation ? Greetings from Poland


They did a big experiment of this with humans too from UK to I believe australia. It’s a really cool study and shows humans have this collective information too


no, the correct simple terms explanation is that morphic resonance is the ability to feel the magnetic resonance, as in, the ability to physically detect energy.


I think this helps to put reincarnation into perspective as well. It’s not that an individual’s consciousness is reembodied in a new individual, but rather that the spirit of each person carries on in the lives of those who proceed it. Spiritual genetics
