17 Things To Expect in Classic WoW if You Never Played Vanilla World of Warcraft

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WoW Classic, the best MMO of 2019 and the most expected. Vanilla is a rare and expensive jewel, it's secrets have yet to be revealed. The classic wow release date is getting closer and closer, here are some things to expect this summer.

0:08 Intro
1:48 World is alive.
2:47 Gold Begging.
3:52 Improvise, adapt, overcome.
5:00 Pointless items
6:10 Expensive and rare Items
7:16 Reserving items in Dungeons.
8:22 The Dangers of a real MMORPG
9:27 Abundance of Trolls
10:27 Quest Chains
11:34 Rare Mobs
12:36 Professions are expensive
14:29 Raid combat can be boring.
15:52 People might trick you out of your mats.
16:34 Class Imbalance & Class Identity
17:24 Old Class Talents
18:22 Discovering the story
19:19 Murlocs
20:09 Outro

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Welcome back to part 2 of the things to expect in classic wow. In our previous installment we said that if the video reaches 3000 likes in the first week, we're going to make a follow up. You guys made the impossible and the clip reached it's goal in the first 48 hours, not only that but it also reached 100k views in the first week, which is pretty insane for such a small channel.

These are 17 more things to expect in classic wow. To be honest I'm a bit scared about a potential part 3 because I'm running out of interesting things to present. Nevertheless, I'm still going to make a challenge: if this clip reaches 5000 likes in the first week, we're making a part 3 follow up. And please If you have ideas about things to expect in classic wow, floating trough your mind, please make them known in comments down below because I need you help.

Thanks for watching, Until next time, STAY FROSTY!

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#Frostadamus #Classicwow #Worldofwarcraft
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I missed the boat back 2004. As a 35 year old I feel like it's still not too late to get into WoW. Thank you for the videos!


I remember back in classic, i transformed into a furbolg, and convinced another druid that it's a new druid form. Long story short, i sent him to silithus to find a quest giver. Once he arrived there, i said you need exalted with timbermaw hold. Still wonder to this day if he grinded that rep.


Before you trade anything to anyone so they can make you something, be sure to get in in-game chat the agreement. Once you do that and they log with your stuff you can put in a ticket and they will get hit with a suspension and you will likely get your stuff back as long as it is a supported trade


Ideas: Rolling for chests, the guy who 'accidentally' rolls need every time, Gurubashi arena, fishing contest, being a pug, accidentally taking the wrong flight path, trying to decipher other factions' language, the sound of smelting ore over and over again, harvesting the same flower node twice because it double spawned, mining and turning your character at the same time so you look like a pick swinging mad man, sharing a farming zone with the opposite faction (but always keeping an eye on them), playing the auction house, buying bank space for all the cosmetic items you've collected, asking randoms to sign your guild charter and designing an tabard both unique and stylish. Love your videos!!!


I always liked the preparation when visitng the city. get some bandaids, buy some food, possibly pots. Some wood for a campfire to cook food on the go, build some granades etc.


One tip is expect for players to be extra friendly all around


Class quests! I can still remember getting my Shaman's water totem back at launch. Being told to go to "Tarren Mill" on my Tauren. Had no idea how far it would take me. Or the Druid aquatic form quest. Trying to find that chest whilst fighting the breath meter. And every Warrior I'm sure remembers getting their axe. Definitely a huge part of Vanilla that I'm stoked for in Classic.


Launch time expectations and other stuff:
- kill named mob / escort a mob is worth grouping up, but also skipping if multiple groups are already there
- go click stuff (that is usually guarded by mobs) will be much easier as all mobs will be dead or someone will quickly come to assist
- you may change your starting zone - some Forsaken may go to Mulgore, especially if sharding won't be aggressive enough and edgy PvP Forsaken will be overrepresented
- quests like Isha Awak are available few levels before you could do them solo, but with launch such quests could be done in groups giving you cool loot much earlier on (a nice wand or shield in this case if I recall correctly)
- casters and especially priests will want a wand asap. The crafted enchanting wand available at level 5 and then the second one at 12 will require some gear or weapons to DE. If you mine a lot of copper you can go engineering to craft guns and DE those. Leather into LW and cloth into tailoring. As this can be expensive and require a lot of mats early on it's way better to group up where few players supply one to craft things needed for the process. Level 5 wand will be god like on early levels and then the 12 wand also, but if you can't get the 12 level wand - just skip it and go for quest reward wands that start few levels after depending on faction. Having mining and friendly engineer may provide insane amount of mats to craft large amount of both wands and supply the at a fee or out of generosity in starting zones.

- some crafted items are needed as a turn in for quests (frost oil, gyrochomaton, deadly blunderbuss, boots from BL etc.) - those can and will be in demand.
- some recipes drop from specific sources that you visit while leveling (turn-ins in ungoro for possible alchemy recipe) - when leveling keep an eye on such tasks and try to do them bit more as it may give you an extra gold income or extra recipe for your future profession (do note that early on it's worth saving expensive things until people get money to buy them at acceptable price)
- rep farming like Timbermaw can be beneficial and it's worth doing before you gain to many levels due to some diminishing returns. Also do note that to safely pass timbermaw (like to turn in Maraudon quest) you can do a quest at the southern part of Felwood + kill few extra mobs and you will have all the rep needed - just don't attack Timbermaw mobs.
- on low levels (less than 15?) you can intentionally die, rez at the spirit healer without getting rez sickness debuff - good for teleporting from far away quest spots to quest hubs if they coexist with said graveyard.
- leveling shaman, paladin, druid, priest can be a DPS or healer without healing talents (sometimes int gear will help). Pala or Druid can also tank. Shaman with a shield and an extra level or two can tank low level dungeons, similarly warlock or hunter pets (but slight level advantage is also advised as well as a tanky pet for max performance)
- use our alt character as storage and delivery network - send him stuff you want to sell or keep (mats for future profession!). If alt is next to a mailbox and AH you can get needed items, mail them and pickup from an inbox on your main out in the field leveling
- although it may not happen we kind of expect some things to leak content progression. If it does and won;t be fixed in beta or on live - be sure to check Classic sites and content creators. Even something innocent as green item for ~60 toons can become bis if it can roll a favorable affix like "of shadow/frost wrath, healing etc.). Some mats for future turn ins are also worth keeping
- if fish schools won't be under content progression (should be) then wreckage pools can provide you with some healing/mana potions, bits of cloth/leather as well as randomly - bags or green items as you level and encounter them. Fishing is worth having and leveling as you level. STV can have a lot of such wreckage pools.
- even if you are not a hard raider there are ways of obtaining good gear. Some classes benefit more than others but still there are smart catch-up options. If you are a resto (or resto/elemental) shaman then you can get Claw of Chromaggus or Lok'amir il Romathis from BWL that have huge +healing/+spell damage. If you don't do BWL to get such end-raid weapons from there wait for AQ to open and do the class quests for gear and get Hammer of the Gathering Storm which has slightly lower stats and requires much easier obtainable items from AQ20 that can be run in a PUG or more casual 20-man raid groups (and only one item is soulbound, other can be traded/bought from AH). Similarly Cenarion and Argent dawn turn in quests can offer very good blue/purple gear.


For all you Hunters the black lion in the thumbnail is Humar The Pridelord lvl 23 elite rare spawn on a 12 hour spawn window. He spawn at the tree above ratchet around the other lions and cubs


Can't wait for the 60 minute hearth CD lol


Just a note on the scamming back in classic and how it worked with GMs for reporting it:

If you talk to the person and make an agreement "I give you my materials and you will make me this item I want' in game, Blizzard will agree and agreement was made and that the guy scammed you and for the most part give you back the items and/or punish the player. If you just go up to someone and trade them the items and hit accept without any type of agreement or typed out 'contract' basically, you're screwed. I don't know how it will work in Classic release, but that's how it basically worked early in the game.


I'm at the point where I'm not watching the video because I want to wait when the quality is better. Your videos is worth the wait.


Also, you should make a quick series for dungeons on where to grab the respective quests and the gear those quests will provide.


Frost, you maybe ought to feature just how necessary and lucrative the secondary professions can be. I made a fortune fishing, and it provided me a steady stream of buff foods. Clams yielded pearls, pools yielded elemental mats for crafting or auction house, some fish yielded transformative effects that people found amusing so they paid for them on the auction house.

First aid is absolutely essential for raiding, even for healing classes, as it’s a free HOT that can be used outside the 5 second mana regen window. For DPS classes, it can mean your survival as heals are dumped to the tanks, and less of the healing mana is needed to keep you alive. My end game raid groups ALWAYS required max first aid for all prospective raiders regardless of whether the content was on farm.

To play PVE content, even small raid dungeons like Stratholme, all gear needed to be enchanted. It didn’t necessarily have to have BIS enchants if it was a piece that you wouldn’t keep for long, but players showing up with no enchants at all were not taken seriously.

By the time you get into endgame content, all the little things add up into a very powerful character. Any advantage, no matter how slight, is important.


Legend has it 4chan was born in Vanilla Barrens Chat. Also some things to expect will be competing for mobs (quests/grinding), running out of bag space/bag management and if you're new you may 'run out of quests'. Which I think was a goid thing because it pushes your character out of that comfy lvl20 zone and back into exploring the unkown! Hope these ideas help mate keep up the good work!!


With #17 in mind, here's a friendly warning to all the upcoming Alliance players out there...
In Darkshore, you'll find a quest called Deep Ocean, Vast Sea.
Survive that, and you'll likely find you are well-suited to Classic WoW.

Great video as always, Frost!


Maybe you could go over some differences between the blizzlike vanilla and private server version of it. I personally missed blizzlike era so I can't really compare, but I hear a lot people saing it's a lot different.


The Age of Conan Cimmeria music at the start was my favorite music in that game. Brought back good memories of that game too, kind of


Frost, you are seriously doing some good work here man, love your content. By far one of the best classic creators out there right now


Don't fear to ask a question in trade chat, i will be among the ones helping you as well as i can!
