5 Cool Facts about Leopard Geckos | Pet Reptiles

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Let other people have cats and dogs! Jungle Bob is here to show you that owning a pet reptile or amphibian is not as crazy as you might think. In this video, he tells you five cool facts about leopard geckos.

Probably the number two animal in the pet world of lizards, after Bearded Dragons, are Leopard Geckos. Leopard Geckos are a terrestrial animal, meaning they live their life on the ground. And you'll find them in the Middle East, from Iran, Afghanistan, those types of areas, mountainous rugged terrain dominated by sand, dominated by very hot temperatures during the day and very cool in the evening. They are, therefore, an animal that's seldom seen during the day. They spend most of their time underneath the ground because of the high heat. They'll come out at dusk. They'll forage for their favorite food, which of course are insects. And they're quite visible at that time of the day.

I know a lot of military guys that are spending time over in those areas of the world and they tell me about the variety of colors and things they see on the Leopard Geckos in the wild. Primarily, they're spotted like a leopard, but through captive breeding we find them now in all different colors, all different patterns, solid yellow, solid black, striped. You name it, Leopard Geckos are being bred that way.

Cool facts about them. If you see up close, it's hard, but they have an ear on the side. Of course, one of the things that differentiates lizards from snakes. Snakes don't have any ears, but lizards do, for the most part. And the Leopard Gecko has got a very strange one in that if I put a flashlight on this side and shined it through, I could see right out his ear, through his other ear and out his body into the background. It's transparent. It's a solid ear canal, but I could see right through his head. So it gives him a lot of bad names, like he's an airhead and things of that nature. But that's not really true. It's just the way this animal's ear canals are formed.

Leopard Geckos shed their skin in patches. The Leopard Gecko kind of has a habit of covering his trail. What he'll do in the wild and in captivity is when he sheds his skin, he makes a meal of it to make it disappear so he can't be tracked. Very simple creature, the Leopard Gecko from the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iran. I guess they're not totally bad places. Checked out this cool lizard.
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There is always that one lizard in the background trying to get into the shot LOL


Did anyone see that cute lizard in the background!


"Dominated by sand." Bob please hand over your reptile expert card.


1:34 That iguana falling off the vine was cute!


Whole series should be changed to "Reptile guy getting videobombed by background monitor"


0:22 lollollloll the lizard behind him pause and you'll laugh


please do not keep leopard geckos on sand


Nice leopard gecko!!
They do not shed there skin in patches if that Is happening to you're leopard gecko you must take it to the vet right away, it means the gecko is not getting enough calcium.  


I have never seen yellow Geckos but I'm looking them up because I have a tribe of them in my backyard. They catch bugs underneath my porch light on the wall. So pretty.


1:37 the dragon on the background is acting like a cat. I love it.


That Lizard In The Background Was Like " WHAT ABOUT


that lizard in the background at 1:40 tho XD


I see that in the description you say that there is lots of sand where leopard geckos come from; this is certainly not true, leopard geckos come from rocky places


No one gonna talk about how he said “dominated by sand” what kind of sick joke is this


Awesome Gecko. They don't bite often, but fuck it hurts when they do. It surprises you when it happens too.


LMAO @ The lizard in the background at 1:33 


Lol the iguana was trying to say hello in the background.


that was an iguana in the background! SO CUTE


It cracks me up. Every single HowCast video with Jungle Bob that I watch has that one little camera hog Lizard in the background that just has to be seen. Haha LOL. xD


Ha ha the other reptile in the background, its like "dude can I be in the video....right screw you im gonna climb up a bit and make a drama out of getting back down!" Had to rewatch it like twice for that guy lol
