GameSpot Reviews - Evoland

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This constantly changing RPG never comes close to achieving the greatness of its reference material.

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Wow I have to say this is an orginal, great idea, for a game. I wish developers would do more shit like this more often


Its short, about 2 - 3 hours long, but covers some major parts of adventure gaming. It hit me with a ton of nostalgia and made me realize how most modern adventure games these days pale in comparison to older adventure games. It's a nice experience, I'd recommend it if you've played adventure games long enough to get what it's referencing ^^


This game is currently the 10th best selling game on steam right now, nuff said


Evoland is fun! I bought it yesterday for 5 Euros (50% off) on Steam. Those old games were epic...I remembered how I played "Zelda - Links Awakening" on the good old Gameboy. I LOVED this game and I still love it! Maybe I get myself an emulator and go for it again....
Good old


wow, let's agree to disagree then.


Seriously, Gamespot?
Here's a (what I think is, and maybe you will too) a better review:
Evoland is an homage to great games of the past that revolutionized the rpg genre and warmed our hearts in the process. But the game is a good one on its own right. Combat is simple and familiar, but there's something about it that makes you want to keep hacking at new foes as you travel across the ever-developing landscape. Petit did get the part about the chests right, it's a core mechanic.
Evoland: 8/10


A game that merely borrows so blatantly from other "Great" titles without adding any of it's own charm really sells itself short when these "Classic" games have already been done to death.

For what the game does, Being an homage to classics, it succeeds, but for a game like this to have any impact it must retain the "Experience" that many modern RPG's, Including this one, fail to replicate. Immersion.

Not once did I feel like the world of Evoland was ever worth exploring.


Man I had a idea for a game very similar to this, although not exactly like this for a couple of years now, just I never had time to develop it. Props to the creator for beating me to it, now I feel like if I ever did make mine, people would just say I'm copying him


Read the description of the "game" on Steam. It's an experience, a journey through history. It's not supposed to be a new, mind blowing game.


For a game created in just 48 hours, it is actually really amazing!


I COMPLETELY agree with this video, everything said was spot-on to how I felt about the game. Save your money. If you really want to buy it. Wait for a Steam sale.


"If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, It will live it's life thinking it's stupid." - (Do you know?)


I played it and for me it was a great game for very cheep


Granted, the person here criticizing the game is being rather harsh
But he has a point. The game lacks polish, more in-depth mechanics, and... Overall is mediocre.


I played the web-based version of this game. This review pretty much has it right. Nothing about this game was interesting or fun except the idea of unlocking better graphics and game mechanics. However, once you realize that the game mechanics never stray from hack and slash or the really annoying elements of turn-based strategy, then there's no charm left in the game. There's nothing to look forward to and it just makes you feel like you wanna rush to the end so you can say you finished it.


Homage. Unlike Retro City Rampage, the whole point is the references, rather than just using the references for making your game look better like Rampage tried and succeeded at doing. It's like the video game equivalent of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi: it's charm is in how well it can parody other games rather than the game itself.


I completely agree with this review. I couldn't forgive the 3 hour play time as half of that is frustrating zubat-like encounters and the latter half completely abandons the evolution you would expect. It's a charming game with an interesting idea but it fails to provide much more than an hour of entertainment.


the question is: why are you guys making evoland sound like a good game? the review is really well done, it pointed out everything wrong with it..


This game costs 4.99 $ now on steam.. totally fun! dunno what the reviewer was smoking


So much hate on such a creative title. They tried and i believe it's worth playing.
